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Re: Duplicated replication with two databases (ITS#3228)

Just for fun, I replaced one of the replica lines with the IP
address of the slave host instead of its name. That is, I made
the directive different from the other one, but still pointing to
the same host.

Voilà, it started working.

So, instead of:
replica uri=ldap://build-cl9.distro.conectiva:389
replica uri=ldap://build-cl9.distro.conectiva:389

I have:
replica uri=ldap://
replica uri=ldap://build-cl9.distro.conectiva:389

Then it works (yes, I also switched to using "uri" instead of "host"
midtesting, but that alone didn't help). is the IP address of build-cl9.distro.conectiva. Just having
it "different" in the two replica directives seemed to be the trick.