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ldapadd with undefined objectclass causes assertion failure (ITS#3097)

Full_Name: Ralf Haferkamp
Version: 2.2.10 (HEAD)
OS: Linux
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

When trying to add an entry with an undefined objectclass I get:

slapd: result.c:556: slap_send_ldap_result: Assertion `!((rs->sr_err)<0)'

Example entry:
dn: dc=my-domain,dc=com
objectclass: dcobject
objectclass: undefined
dc: my-domain

If I see it correctly this bug was introduced with the fix for ITS#3066.

value_match() called from server/slapd/modify.c (slap_mods_check()) line #799
calls objectSubClassMatch() which then returns  SLAPD_COMPARE_UNDEFINED (-1)
because of the undefined objectclass "undefined".