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build broken in 2.5.5 stable (ITS#2978)

Full_Name: wolfgang pichler
Version: 2.5.5
OS: linux
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

  ./configure --prefix=$_prefix \
              --libexecdir=$_prefix/sbin \
              --sysconfdir=$_sysconfdir \
              --localstatedir=$_localstatedir \
              --sharedstatedir=$_sharedstatedir \
              --enable-crypt --enable-dynamic \
              --enable-wrappers \
--without-threads \
--enable-lmpasswd \
--enable-spasswd \
--enable-rewrite \
--with-cyrus-sasl --with-tls \
--enable-ipv6 \
--enable-modules \
--enable-null --with-null-module=dynamic \
--enable-bdb --with-bdb-module=dynamic \
--enable-dnssrv --with-dnssrv-module=dynamic \
--enable-ldap --with-ldap-module=dynamic \
--enable-meta --with-meta-module=dynamic \
--enable-monitor --with-monitor-module=dynamic \
--enable-passwd --with-passwd-module=dynamic \
--enable-shell --with-shell-module=dynamic \
--enable-perl --with-perl-module=dynamic \
--enable-tcl --with-tcl-module=dynamic \
--with-dyngroup=yes \
--with-proxycache=yes \

Makefile in openldap-2.2.5/servers/slapd/overlays/ never executed
so openldap-2.2.5/servers/slapd/liboverlays.a never created

Makefile in openldap-2.2.5/servers/slapd must define 
SLAPD_LIBS =  -L. -loverlays
otherwise linking of slapd will throw error
missing overlay_init in main.o


please clarify usage of --with-dyngroups=mod --with-proxycache=mod since there
seems never to be built a dynamic liboverlays.so despite of existing *.lo in
overlay subdir

