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RE: Numerical result out of range (ITS#2465)

Quoting Howard Chu <hyc@highlandsun.com>:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-openldap-bugs@OpenLDAP.org
> > [mailto:owner-openldap-bugs@OpenLDAP.org]On Behalf Of
> cecile.leyman@gfi.be
> > Here what I did :
> >
> > (From clean sources)
> > cvs diff -r1.87 -r1.90 pkg/ldap/libraries/liblber/io.c => OK
> Sorry, that only displays the differences. It does not patch your file for
> you though. You should do this instead:
>   cvs upd -j 1.87 -j1.90 pkg/ldap/libraries/liblber/io.c
> then recompile. This patch definitely works on my system.
> > ./configure (with the same flags) OK
> > make depend => OK
> > make => OK
> > make test => OK
> > make install => OK
> >
> > I tested the authentication through courier-imap and i had
> > the same error :
> > .....
> > ldap_read: want=9, got=9
> >   0000:  30 06 02 01 03 50 01 02  30                        0....P..0
> > ber_get_next on fd 12 failed errno=34 (Numerical result out of range)
> > connection_read(12): input error=-2 id=6, closing.
> > ....
>   -- Howard Chu
>   Chief Architect, Symas Corp.       Director, Highland Sun
>   http://www.symas.com               http://highlandsun.com/hyc
>   Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support

cvs upd -j1.87 -j1.90 pkg/ldap/libraries/liblber/io.c 
=> OK

./configure (with same flags)
make depend
make test
make install
=> OK

When i tested the authentication, i had same error.

I rebuilt BDB and started again the update (io.c) of OpenLDAP for then also
reinstalling it but I still have the same error.

Perhaps that our systems have a different configuration...

I saw in the logs that there was also a misreading of index (err 30991).
This message appeared already front.

# Indices to maintain
index   objectClass,uid                         pres,eq
index   mailAlternateAddress                    pres,eq
index   mailMessageStore                        pres,eq
index   cn,mail,givenName                       eq,subinitial

Debug :


=> bdb_back_search
=> bdb_dn2id_matched( "dc=labo,dc=be" )
====> bdb_cache_find_entry_dn2id("dc=labo,dc=be"): 1 (1 tries)
====> bdb_cache_find_entry_id( 1 ) "dc=labo,dc=be" (found) (1 tries)
search_candidates: base="dc=labo,dc=be" (0x00000001) scope=2
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
        DN SUBTREE
=> bdb_dn2idl( "dc=labo,dc=be" )
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=-1 first=1 last=4
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa1
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [b49d1940]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: (objectClass) NULL
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [5cf73cf5]
<= bdb_index_read 1 candidates
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=1, first=4, last=4
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=1 first=4 last=4
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa1
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (mail)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [92a2a281]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (mailAlternateAddress)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): created (5)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=3 sd=16
connection_close: conn=3 sd=16
daemon: removing 16
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [92a2a281]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (mailAlternateAddress)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): returned (4)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=1 sd=14
connection_close: conn=1 sd=14
daemon: removing 14
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): returned (3)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=4 sd=17
connection_close: conn=4 sd=17
daemon: removing 17
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): returned (2)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=0 sd=12
connection_close: conn=0 sd=12
daemon: removing 12
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): returned (1)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=2 sd=15
connection_close: conn=2 sd=15
daemon: removing 15
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [34e8e73c]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30991)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=4 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
bdb_search_candidates: id=0 first=1 last=0
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 1 ): returned (0)
bdb_search: no candidates
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=5 sd=18
connection_close: conn=5 sd=18
daemon: removing 18


<= send_search_entry
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 4 ): returned (0)
daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
daemon: activity on: 12r
daemon: read activity on 12
connection_get(12): got connid=9
connection_read(12): checking for input on id=9
ldap_read: want=9, got=9
  0000:  30 06 02 01 03 50 01 02  30                        0....P..0
ber_get_next on fd 12 failed errno=34 (Numerical result out of range)
connection_read(12): input error=-2 id=9, closing.
connection_closing: readying conn=9 sd=12 for close
connection_close: deferring conn=9 sd=12
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=9 sd=12
connection_close: conn=9 sd=12
daemon: removing 12
daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL


= send_search_entry
====> bdb_cache_return_entry_r( 4 ): returned (0)
daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
daemon: activity on: 12r
daemon: read activity on 12
connection_get(12): got connid=10
connection_read(12): checking for input on id=10
ldap_read: want=9, got=9
  0000:  30 06 02 01 03 50 01 02  30                        0....P..0
ber_get_next on fd 12 failed errno=34 (Numerical result out of range)
connection_read(12): input error=-2 id=10, closing.
connection_closing: readying conn=10 sd=12 for close
connection_close: deferring conn=10 sd=12
send_search_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=10 sd=12
connection_close: conn=10 sd=12
daemon: removing 12
daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL

I will reinstall the whole on a healthy system in order to see whether the error
I send the results to you as soon as the tests are finished.

Still thank you for your support.



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info: ava@gfi.be