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Re: slapcat/slapadd/slapindex segfault on replica directive (ITS#1385)

Stack back trace (e.g. gdb slapadd core, enter "bt").
Thanks, Kurt

At 03:48 PM 2001-10-11, davidstults@yahoo.com wrote:
>Full_Name: David Stults
>Version: 2.0.15
>OS: Solaris 8 (latest patches)
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>The tools slapadd/slapcat/slapindex segfault when they get to the "replica"
>configuration line in my slapd.conf.  I tracked this behavior down by using -d
>255 with slapcat:
>line 28 (pidfile         /private/openldap-2.0.15/var/slapd.pid)
>line 29 (argsfile        /private/openldap-2.0.15/var/slapd.args)
>line 42 (database        ldbm)
>line 43 (suffix          "o=Integra")
>line 44 (rootdn          "cn=Manager,o=Integra")
>line 49 (replogfile     /private/openldap-2.0.15/var/replica.log)
>line 54 (replica                host=ns1.integraonline.com     
>suffix="ou=DNS,ou=External,o=Integra"   binddn="cn=Replicator,o=Integra"       
>bindmethod=simple       credentials=secret)
>Segmentation fault
>When I commented out the replica lines, slapcat ran fine.