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Re: White space in DN not significant when searching? (ITS#1191)

At 07:36 AM 6/6/2001, johan.troedsson@ei.sigma.se wrote:
>Full_Name: Johan Troedsson
>Version: 2.0.11
>OS: Redhat Linux 6.2
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>I load the LDAP using slapadd with:
>dn: dc=test
>objectClass: dcObject
>dc: test
>dn: cn=A B,dc=test
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: person
>cn: A B
>sn: B
>dn: cn=A  B,dc=test
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: person
>cn: A  B
>sn: B
>When viewing the LDAP tree with a LDAP browser, the last node is not displayed.

As the second and last entry have the equivalent distinguished
names [directoryStringMatch("A B","A  B") is TRUE], the last
entry should not have been added.

>Is this the correct behaviour?

Not catching the input error could be viewed as a bug in
slapadd(1), however slapadd(1) was designed to load well
formed set of entries.