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Re: Fixes to make compile under OpenServer 5 (ITS#972)

At 12:48 AM 1/19/01 +0000, oazmon@telsoft-solutions.com wrote:
>Full_Name: Omer Azmon
>Version: OpenLDAP 2.0.7
>OS: OpenServer 5.0.5
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>1. The following change was done as when the SQL backend was disabled from
>compile the SLAPD_LIBS value became 'SLAPD_LIBS = \' messing up the compile.

IIRC, this change has already been made to HEAD and OPENLDAP_REL_ENG_2.

>2. The following two files were changed as in SCO OpenServer 5 the variable
>MAXPATHLEN was removed from stdlib.h

Please determine were MAXPATHLEN or equivalent is defined
so that <ac/param.h> can be updated.

>3. The following file was changed as in SCO OpenServer 5 complied with
>pthreads the fgets returns upon thread switch and so never reads the
>response from the backend.

That's very bad as any early return of fgets() leaves the
stream in undefined state.  back-shell does not support
pthreads anyways due to its use of fork().

>4. The following file was changed as in SCO OpenServer Skunkware version of
>pthreads the value of socklen_t is already defined the pthread.h header
>file.  (NOTE: This possibly is better corrected in ./configure)
>> #ifdef socklen_t
>> #undef socklen_t
>> #endif

That's a dangerous fix.  The more appropriate fix would be
adjust configure to detect socklen_t.  Please check your
headers to determine whether socklen_t is defined in more
appropriate (socket) headers.

>5. The following two files were changed to make the system call the correct
>function name for Kerberos5 version 1.2.1 (don't know when change occurred)
><   krb5_free_cred_contents( context, &creds );
>>   krb5_free_creds( context, &creds );

Such changes should be conditional upon the flavor (Heimdal v MIT)
and version of Kerberos in use using autoconf.

>6. The following change was made as the library name is different in
>Kerberos5 release 1.2.1 (don't know when change occurred)

This should also be done via configure.