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Access rules behaviour (ITS#221)

Full_Name: Alfred Reynolds
Version: stable
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

The access rules must be on one line which leads to very long lines for
complicated rules.

It would be better if each by line could be on a new line by itself, 
like this:

<access directive> ::= access to <what>{NOTE-!!!! NEW LINE CAN BE HERE!!}
     [ by <who> <access> ]+
     <what> ::= * | [ dn=<regex> ] [ filter=<ldapfilter> ]
     [ attrs=<attrlist> ]
     <who> ::= * | self | dn=<regex> | addr=<regex> |
     domain=<regex> | dnattr=<dn attribute>
     <access> ::= [self]none | [self]compare | [self]search
     | [self]read | [self]write

Just a suggestion for a clean config file