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OpenLDAP 2.4.17 available

OpenLDAP 2.4.17 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:

and should soon be available on all official mirrors:

This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use.
Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.

Significant contributors for this release include:
	Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
	Hallvard Furuseth (University of Oslo)
	Quanah Gibson-Mount (Yahoo! Inc)
	Ralf Haferkamp (SUSE Linux)
	Gavin Henry (Suretec Systems)
	Pierangelo Masarati (Sys-Net)
	Rein Tollevik (Basefarm AS)

OpenLDAP 2.4.17 Release (2009/07/13)
    Fixed liblber to use ber_strnlen (ITS#6080)
    Fixed libldap gnutls private key init (ITS#6053)
    Fixed libldap openssl digest initialization (ITS#6192)
    Fixed libldap tls NULL error messages (ITS#6079)
    Fixed liblutil opendir/closedir on windows (ITS#6041)
    Fixed liblutil for _GNU_SOURCE (ITS#5464,ITS#5666)
    Added slapd sasl auxprop support (ITS#6147)
    Added slapd schema checking tool (ITS#6150)
    Added slapd writetimeout keyword (ITS#5836)
    Fixed slapd abandon/cancel handling for some ops (ITS#6157)
    Fixed slapd access setstyle to expand (ITS#6179)
    Fixed slapd assert with closing connections (ITS#6111)
    Fixed slapd bind race condition (ITS#6189)
    Fixed slapd cancel behavior (ITS#6137)
    Fixed slapd cert validation (ITS#6098)
    Fixed slapd connection_destroy assert (ITS#6089)
    Fixed slapd csn normalization (ITS#6195)
    Fixed slapd errno handling (ITS#6037)
    Fixed slapd global alloc handling (ITS#6054)
    Fixed slapd hung writers (ITS#5836)
    Fixed slapd ldapi issues (ITS#6056)
    Fixed slapd moduleload with static backends and modules (ITS#6016)
    Fixed slapd normalization of updated schema attributes (ITS#5540)
    Fixed slapd olcLimits handling (ITS#6159)
    Fixed slapd olcLogLevel with hex levels (ITS#6162)
    Fixed slapd pagedresults stacked control with overlays (ITS#6056)
    Fixed slapd password-hash incorrect limit on arg length (ITS#6139)
    Fixed slapd readonly restrictions (ITS#6109)
    Fixed slapd sending cancelled operations results (ITS#6103)
    Fixed slapd slapi_entry_has_children (ITS#6132)
    Fixed slapd sockets usage on windows (ITS#6039)
    Fixed slapd some abandon and cancel race conditions (ITS#6104)
    Fixed slapd tls context after changes (ITS#6135)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb adjust dncachesize if too low (ITS#6176)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb crashes during delete (ITS#6177)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb multiple olcIndex for same attr (ITS#6196)
    Fixed slapd-hdb freeing of already freed entries (ITS#6074)
    Fixed slapd-hdb entryinfo cleanup (ITS#6088)
    Fixed slapd-hdb dncache lockups (ITS#6095)
    Fixed slapd-ldap deadlock with non-responsive TLS URIs (ITS#6167)
    Fixed slapd-relay to return failure on failure (ITS#5328)
    Fixed slapd-sql with BACKSQL_ARBITRARY_KEY defined (ITS#6100)
    Fixed slapo-collect collectinfo ordering (ITS#6076)
    Fixed slapo-collect missing equality match rule (ITS#6075)
    Fixed slapo-dds entry expiration (ITS#6169)
    Fixed slapo-perl symbols (ITS#5658)
    Fixed slapo-ppolicy to honor pwdLockout (ITS#6168)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to return check modules error message (ITS#6082)
    Fixed slapo-refint refint_repair handling (ITS#6056)
    Added slapo-rwm rwm-drop-unrequested-attrs config option (ITS#6057)
    Fixed slapo-rwm dn passing (ITS#6070)
    Fixed slapo-rwm entry free (ITS#6058)
    Fixed slapo-rwm entry release (ITS#6081)
    Fixed slapo-translucent entry gathering (ITS#6156)
    Fixed tools returning ldif errors (ITS#5892)
    Fixed contrib/smbk5pwd use of private functions (ITS#5535)
    Build Environment
        Added test056-monitor (ITS#5540)
        Added test057-memberof-refint (ITS#5395)
        Fixed winsock detection for windows (ITS#6102, ITS#6078)
Removed GSSAPI configure option (ITS#6091,ITS#6092,ITS#6093,ITS#5369)
        admin24 relocate configuration examples (ITS#6183)
        admin24 fixed example regex (ITS#6052)
        admin24 removed temporary back-monitor note (ITS#6130)
        admin24 slapd.conf to cn=config conversion process (ITS#6060)
        man page consistency fixes (ITS#6023)
        ldapcompare(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldapdelete(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldapmodify(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldapmodrdn(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldapsearch(1) output format description (ITS#6146)
        ldapurl(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldapwhoami(1) note -e option (ITS#6107)
        ldap_result(3) Add RETURN VALUE heading (ITS#6180)
        ldap.conf(5) improve sizelimit/timelimit limits (ITS#6127)
        slapd.access(5) Fix <setstyle> to use expand (ITS#6179)
        slapd.conf(5) document default modulepath (ITS#5829)
        slapd.conf(5) pidfile/argsfile description fix (ITS#5975)
        slapd-config(5) document default modulepath (ITS#5829)
        slapd-config(5) pidfile/argsfile description fix (ITS#5975)
        slapo-constraint(5) clarify URI example (ITS#6118)
        slapo-unique(5) explicitly note rootdn requirement (ITS#6108)
        slapadd(8) note it does indexing (ITS#6160)

MD5 (openldap-2.4.17.tgz) = 5e82103780f8cfc2b2fbd0f77c47c158
SHA1 (openldap-2.4.17.tgz) = a6efcf7b680f6c7665574002cac8f2eefd24b79a