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[ldapext] General impact of ldap server side current time matching

Dear ldapex[t|perts],

thanks to the received feedback our draft related to "ldap server side current time matching" has been recently updated to version 1: http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-pluta-ldap-srv-side-current-time-match-01.txt As a result of the previous technical discussions the document is currently focused on LDAP protocol specific implementation details like for example the syntaxes (current time and duration) and the various extensible matching rules.

As the feedback in regard to the general idea (ldap server side current time matching) has been quite small we would like to take the opportunity to restart the discussion into a more general direction.

We are interested in your (also non-technical) opinions and visions regarding this kind of LDAP protocol feature. Advanced usage scenarios based on current time matching operations are therefore also of interest. Where else and how do these matching rules could have an impact, e.g. on your environment, development or related future concepts? In the following you find a short (and surely incomplete) list of topics that are in our opinion (at least partly) related to current time matching:

- ldap password policy's password expiration[Time|Duration], draft-behera-ldap-password-policy
- Component Matching (Certificate timestamps?)
- DSA-internal KDC data store; draft-chu-ldap-kdc-schema (eg. principalNotUsed[Before|After]?)
- DSA-internal CA (mentioned at kerberos 2009 by H. Chu)
- ...

Your feedback is highly appreciated - thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Ldapext mailing list