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Re: [ldapext] password policy: exclude (or exempt) user from policy

Ludovic Poitou wrote:

I don't really like using exception mechanism like this which are
to track for an administrator and may be abused by users if not protected


In OpenDS we have some extended subtree specifications that allow to
in or out users from the password policy definition itself.
I'm gonna be out for the next 3 weeks but will comment your emails related
to the password policy when I'm back. I didn't get the time to do it before today.


Ludovic Poitou
Sent from a mobile.

On 5 juil. 2010, at 22:14, Kurt Zeilenga<Kurt.Zeilenga@Isode.com>  wrote:

It is desirable to have a mechanism to exclude (or exempt) a user from the policy.  For instance, it's nasty for various accounts associated with application entities (as opposed to humans) to be locked out.

In the Isode implementation, we have an operational single-valued attribute, pwdExclude, which if present in the user's entry and has the boolean value TRUE exempts the user from all password policy enforcement.

It would be good to add something like this to the spec.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/
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