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Re: [ldapext] [x500standard] Password Policy Administrative Model

Hi Andrew

we have just been editing the password policy working document and have addressed the issues you raised in your message below.

Andrew Sciberras wrote:
Hi Kurt,

Just some comments that are specific to the administrative model.

3. Password Policy Administrative Model

Administrative Area Scope In [BEHERA] it was stated that a password policy could be defined for a
specific user by creating a password policy subentry directly under that
entry. To me, this suggests that password policy administrative points act
like specific administrative areas. Is this behavior intended to remain?


Administrative Role In accordance with X.501 and RFC3672, do you intend to define an Administrative Role attribute value to identify that a particular administrative area is concerned with password policy administration?

Yes this is defined.

Multiple Policies I assume that the draft allows multiple passwdPolicy subentries to exist
below a given administrative point...

Yes this is the case, but no two policies must overlap for the same password attribute type.

This should be explicitly clarified in
the I-D. Multiple subentries could be used to allow policies to apply to different

Yes, this is now achieved by having a MUST CONTAIN myPwdAttributeTypes attribute in the password policy subentry, which lists the password attribute types that are being covered by this policy.

or to allow different policies to apply to a given password
attribute conditionally,

No, we dont allow this as it would be too confusing. Which policy would have precedence?

based on the objectClass of an entry (~ using

Yes this is allowed.

However, policies may also be created that inadvertently (or otherwise)
conflict with each other.

No this wont be the case, since the directory software should stop a password policy subentry from being created (or an old one being modified) if it causes an overlap of password policies for a given password attribute type in a given subtree. The alternative is to try to define the policy conflict resolution algorithm if two opposing policies apply to a given password attribute in an entry. But this is difficult. For example, what if one policy says encrypt passwords and another says dont. What should the DSA do? Or one policy says encrypt with MD5 and another one says encrypt with AES?

Clarifications on this should probably be made to avoid confusion.

I hope we have now clarified the situation.



Andrew Sciberras

-----Original Message-----
From: ldapext-bounces@ietf.org [mailto:ldapext-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf
Of Kurt Zeilenga
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 4:56 AM
To: LDAP Extensions list
Cc: x500standard@freelists.org
Subject: [ldapext] Fwd: I-D Action:draft-zeilenga-ldap-passwords-00.txt

This I-D provides an alternative to draft-behera-ldap-password-policy-
xx.txt.  Appendix provides a discussion of this approach differs, and

The I-D is a bit rough around the edges...

-- Kurt

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