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Re: [ldapext] nfsv4 vs the ldap consistency model

Then my answer is (a) and (b).

You cannot guarantee that the update will succeed at all slaves, so
abort/rollback is essential.

So how is this different from the model we have today - only today you
will never find out if updates fail on any of your slaves!?

Don't confuse the issue. The model we have today is irrelevant to the discussion; you started this thread with the criterion that the result of an update be delayed until it is completed on all slaves. My point is that you cannot fulfill this requirement without abort/rollback capability.

Whether or how any particular server can actually determine the definitive outcome of the update is a completely separate question. Simo already noted some problems in that area; the entire question is too poorly thought out to even begin addressing it here. (Cart before the horse...)

If you acknowledge that the feature you're asking for is in fact a distributed transaction (which it very obviously is) then we may at least know that you (generic "you" / NFS wg) understand the problem well enough to start discussing solutions. Without that basic level of understanding, it's simply a waste of time.
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com
Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP http://www.openldap.org/project/
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