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[ldapext] Questions / comments about "LDAP Transactions, draft-zeilenga-ldap-txn-11.txt"


I have some questions:

According to the draft it is not forbidden, that a client sends non - 
transaction update requests or read - only (compare, search) requests on 
the same connection, after having started the transaction. These 
requests, that don't belong to the transaction (because they don't carry 
the transaction control) could conflict with requests, that are part of 
the transaction. Just imagine the transaction updating some entries, 
that are meanwhile processed in a subtree search. How should the server 
deal with this? Should it process the non - transaction requests after 
having finished the transaction? After having received the commit from 
the client? If non - transaction updates may be mixed with updates, that 
are part of the transaction you either violate the required atomicity, 
or you have to postpone the non - transaction request until the 
transaction is finished, thereby violating the correct order of requests.

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