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Re: [ldapext] groupOfEntries object class proposal

Andrew Findlay wrote:
At the recent LDAP conference in Cologne there was wide support for an
effort to improve some of the commonly-used schema definitions. In
particular, the fact that groupOfNames does not permit an empty group
was felt to be a significant problem.

So the discussion about this highlights the basic issues around the current approach to grouping. Fundamentally there are two classes of user for a grouping mechanism 1) those who need to know how to build and generally administer groups 2) those who need to use groups but care not a whit how they came to be. Currently, every time a new group type is invented both classes need to understand all the ins and outs of the new group type and they must agree on what those ins and outs mean.

This is broken. Non-administrative clients should be able to write to a single group interface once and forever after be left to get on with clientship. Innovation for the first class of user is then left to prosper without hindrance, without client breakage, and without chickens and eggs. There is a suitable way to do this: the memberof attribute, if populated it will supply all the needs of the second class of user both now and into the future, it even solves some of sticky performance problems around gathering suitable attribute values from each memberof the group. It is also agnostic to method of attaining membership, membership simply is.

Agreeing on something like this will allow the conversation to move forward on the mechanisms of group membership without requiring clients and servers to be modified every time a new method is developed. It allows for both proprietary and custom grouping mechanisms without stepping on toes or requiring IETF sanction to be generally useful and so reduces the barrier to adoption. Most of all, it is a stable platform for interoperability for at least the second class of user.


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