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[ldapext] draft-wahl-ldap-session support in OpenLDAP

This is just to inform you that I've committed minimal support for
draft-wahl-ldap-session to OpenLDAP HEAD code.  Currently, the content
of the control is extracted and, if printable, prefixed to all logging
for that operation.  Multiple instances of the control are handled up to
a hard-coded max log buffer length.  A couple of helpers are provided in
libldap to ease control encoding/decoding.  Please test.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
Mobile:  +39 333 4963172
Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it

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