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[ldapext] OS-dependent LDIF 'attr:< file://filename' handling

How do LDAP implementations handle "attr:< file:///foo/bar" on non-Unix

If the file is opened in binary mode, the value may get zero-padded at
the end (to fill a complete block in the filesystem).

But if it is opened in text mode, end-of-line markers in the file will
be replaced with LF, a byte which is handled like an end-of-file marker
(like ^Z on windows) will truncate the file, and on some types of
filesystems spaces at the end of lines may be removed.

I suppose servers could ignore trailing zero-bytes in attribute values
if that would fix a syntax error when parsing the value...

Or we could define 'attr:<< URL' or something to mean the URL provides
base64-encoded data.


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