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Re: [ldapext] RFC 4533 implementations?

David Boreham wrote:
Does anyone know if it is possible to proxy Active Directory's
sync protocol (dirsync) to RFC4533 ?

If it is then it would be interesting/useful to build such a proxy
because it would make AD compatible with RFC4533 clients.

I know quite a bit about dirsync, having implemented two different
sync products that use it, but I know next to nothing about 4533
at this point so excuse me if I'm floating off in space... a quick
read of the rfc draft tells me that they're at least superficially
semantically similar.

I do see a fair but of un-met interest in an open source
general purpose LDAP sync tool. Wider support for 4533
I think would help.

This is on my todo list. I'm not entirely convinced yet that it will work easily; the fact that Microsoft uses DSA-specific update counters is pretty annoying. I.e., you cannot infer any ordering relationship between update counters from separate servers. If you have ideas on how to approach this, I'm all ears.

 -- Howard Chu
 Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
 Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
 Chief Architect, OpenLDAP     http://www.openldap.org/project/

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