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Re: [ldapext] Comments: draft-chu-ldap-xordered-00.txt

Pierangelo Masarati wrote:

Thanks. Agreed, X-ORDERED 'VALUES' attributes should be prohibited from use as naming attributes. I'll revise the draft shortly.

a couple of quick short comments (one is editorial: in example (3) of section 4.3 you issue a modrdn and supply a DN "olcDatabase={99}ldif,cn=config" as the newrdn field; it should likely be "olcDatabase={99}ldif" instead).

The other emerged from the improper use of an X-ORDERED 'VALUES' attribute as naming attribute by an OpenLDAP user (<http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200608/msg00253.html>). I think attributes with this extension could create problems when used as naming attributes in a RDN. I see two possibilities:

1) the distinguished value does not report the ordering portion (if it does, there could be confusion with X-ORDERED 'SIBLINGS', though); this approach would make data appear inconsistent to applications that do not recognize the extension, but at least would prevent the need to rename an entry if the ordering of a naming attribute changes; for example, consider an "ov" attribute with the X-ORDERED 'VALUES' extension:

dn: ov=foo,dc=example,dc=com
ov: {0}foo
ov: {1}bar

2) the X-ORDERED 'VALUES' inhibits an attribute from being used to name an entry.

I favor the second approach; that is, recommend implementors that implement the X-ORDERED 'VALUES' extension to disallow them as naming attributes, because it looks simpler and cleaner. I wouldn't go for the first approach, unless I'm missing any significant advantage.

Cheers, p.

SysNet - via Dossi,8 27100 Pavia Tel: +390382573859 Fax: +390382476497

 -- Howard Chu
 Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
 Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
 OpenLDAP Core Team            http://www.openldap.org/project/

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