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Re: [ldapext] password policy response control question

I agree with most of the points here, and it aligns with our rationale in writing the OpenLDAP implementation. Also my reading of section 6.2 of the draft:

6.2  Response Control

   If the client has sent a passwordPolicyRequest control, the server
   (when solicited by the inclusion of the request control) sends this
   control with the following operation responses: bindResponse,
   modifyResponse, addResponse, compareResponse and possibly
   extendedResponse, to inform of various conditions, and MAY be sent
   with other operations (in the case of the changeAfterReset error).

I interpret "the server ... sends this control" as "the server SHALL send this control..." But that's a separate question (whether the response control is sent at all) from the original query (whether the control value should be present in the response control).

Still, the use of the control by the client is purely for informative purposes; the policies will take effect on the server regardless. As such, if the client really really wants to know that an operation succeeded in full conformance with the policy, then the client should set criticality TRUE in the request.

Ramsay, Ron wrote:
Hmmm. I didn't think the control was required to be marked 'critical'
but, if it is, then you are correct that the control will have been
recognised if the request was performed. (Your remark "when the control
is not critical" makes me believe that you don't understand the use of
the criticality flag. For example, you cannot respond with
"unavailableCriticalExtension" if the control is not marked critical.)

I don't see how whether a response control is sent is related to whether
the control is critical. Originally, the idea was that whether the
control was marked critical or not, processing should be the same. This
may have changed recently with Kurt's remarks on the behaviour of
modules in OpenLDAP and also with reference to distributed operations.

Therefore, it is simply a preference whether a control on the request is
matched with one on the response. I am in favour of this always being
the case. Two of the most troublesome operations in LDAP are Abandon and
Unbind, simply because they are not confirmed operations. Please let's
have this control 'confirmed'.

Also, I don't believe it is required to be marked 'critical', so a
response control will set the client at ease.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pierangelo Masarati [mailto:ando@sys-net.it] Sent: Monday, 8 May 2006 6:17 PM
To: Ramsay, Ron
Cc: John McMeeking; ldapext@ietf.org
Subject: RE: [ldapext] password policy response control question

Hi John,

The question of whether to send a response ("when appropriate") has come up before and has not been resolved. I'd like to put a stake in the ground and say that a response should always be sent if the control is understood (that is, if the server supports the control).


the fact that the control is understood is guaranteed by the fact that
the DSA didn't reject the request with unavailableCriticalExtension; it
would be acceptable for the control response to be absent if not needed.
This is true, of course for critical controls.  I'd favor this case.

Further, I'd like to suggest that, in the case where there is no data to be sent, the value be absent.

this should be the behavior when the control is not critical.

-- -- Howard Chu Chief Architect, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc OpenLDAP Core Team http://www.openldap.org/project/

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