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Re: [ldapext] Interaction of <draft-behera-ldap-password-policy> with authentication applications

On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 09:03 +0100, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
> Andrew,
> without getting too much into the details of your message, what you
> describe sounds quite close to what I mean.  The point is that the
> draft-behera-ldap-password-policy is essentially intended for a simple
> 	client <-> server
> relationship, and there seems to be no intention to broaden it to
> generic password policy (which I understand, because if it needs to
> account for all the different needs it could become obfuscate and nearly
> unusable).
> When speaking about application authentication, I mean something like
> 	client <-> { application <-> DSA }
> where the application authenticates the client using services stored on
> the DSA server, including the password and the password policy.  The
> policy could still apply if you see the whole from the client's
> perspective, but now the server doesn't get a simple bind but rather an
> auxprop lookup, as in general we cannot turn generic password-based
> authentications into simple binds.  

The other reason we should consider this area as closely tied  to the
client <-> server exchange is the number of applications that still do
'ldap authentication' by simple binds...

> So if we still want to apply the
> password policy, using the facilities provided by the DSA,  the
> responsibility has to move to the application.  Technically, this has to
> result in a code duplication which, IMHO, could be eliminated by
> providing some cooperation means between the application and the server.
> With OpenLDAP, for example, we can circumvent this by moving password
> policy enforcement into the app (in this case Cyrus SASL, but I guess it
> would be essentially the same with Samba 3, as far as I know of it).
> Then, the administrative operations related to storing policy info into
> the DSA would be performed as regular modify, with a privileged
> identity, and with the manageDIT control (undocumented, I know; it's a
> work in progress) to circumvent the NO-USER-MODIFICATION constraint.

I'm unclear why we are doing modifies here.  While a complete hack, the
Novell eDirectory with Samba3 approach is I believe instructive.  I just
want a standards-based way to do it.

For logins: 
 The password should be fetched, and a password compare done.  

 A message should be sent to the server indicating: 
  - success/failure
  - source IP
  - other details (such as the NTLM 'workstation name')

 The server should handle all the modifies, I think.

For password changes:
 The existing password change exop, but with clear info on failures.
This should set all hash types etc.

I don't actually see where the manageDIT modify would come into it.  The
other point to consider is that any change should easily hook into the
code for the server-only policy

> Currently, I'm working at the Cyrus SASL side to allow backpropgtion of
> errors during auxprop lookup; next step will be full (well, as much as
> possible) password policy awareness in OpenLDAP internal and ldapdb
> external auxprop lookup functionalities.

If the hooks do look like what I suggest above, then we might even get
Samba3 along for this, because the internal APIs already exist for the
eDirectory case.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College  http://hawkerc.net

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