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Re: [ldapext] URN namespace for ldap/X.509 schema elements?

RL 'Bob' Morgan wrote:

We confronted this question when considering a convention for representation of X.500/LDAP attributes as SAML Attributes, and decided on using the OID URN namespace. See section 8.2 of the SAML 2.0 Profiles spec,


Good reference, thanks.

Choosing to base URNs on anything other than OIDs seems to me to inevitable lead to having to maintain a registry of such names, in parallel with OID registries. I can't see anyone wanting to do that. Is there some problem with using urn:oid: ?

I guess readability suffers a bit ;-) But seriously I don't understand the need for a separate registry if only schema elements published in RFC:s are handled...

Using urn:oid forces clients to be schema-aware which has good and bad

	MVH leifj

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