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[ldapext] Assert I-D.

Hi Kurt,

I have some questions regarding the Assertion Control.

I'm not sure the Assertion as defined presently can be applied to "Add" operations.
The section 3 says that "For Add, Compare, and ModifyDN the target is indicated by the entry field in the request.". For an add operation, the entry field is the entry being added. Applying assertion on the data that is part of the add operation itself doesn't give much added-value.
Can you explain why you want to support Assert on the Add operation ?

Also, the text should be less ambiguous on when the assertion is to be checked. The draft says that the Assertion and the Operation shall be done as an atomic operation. But it doesn't say if the assertion is to be applied BEFORE the target entry contains the changes or AFTER.
For example, if I assert that foo=bar but replace the attribute foo with the foobar value, the assertion is true before I apply the change and not after.


Ludovic Poitou
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Sun ONE products - Directory Server Group - Grenoble - France

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