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RE: [ldapext] LDAP and subtree specification and subentries

  thanks for the clarification. One comment:

> > Other general question: Is it allowed to search / to modify 
> > objects of DSE-Type subentry (e.g. 
> > collective-attribute-subentries) via LDAP?
> Yes.

OK - it's allowed. But it's not really possible because
I can't express some attributes, e.g. subtreeSpecification, in LDAP.

You are right: draft-zeilenga-ldap-subentry-03.txt solves
this problem - but only for subtreeSpecification.
I still can't see how to express
the other attributes I usually find in (X.500) subentries, e.g.

- prescriptiveACI for access control subentries
- DIT content rules and structure rules for subschema subentries
- collective attributes for collective attributes subentries
(e.g. collectiveTelephoneNumber (X.520))

The last one seems to be addressed by draft-zeilenga-ldap-collective-06.txt,
but not the other two kinds of subentries.

So it seems that today each X.500 vendor has a vendor-specific (or no) representation
of these subentries when read / modified via LDAP.

Best regards,

Jochen Keutel. 

Dr. Jochen Keutel
Management Consultancy
Wusterhausener Str. 8
D-15732 Eichwalde
phone +49 30 678 19189
mobile +49 177 6572720
e-mail jochen@keutel.de

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