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Learn More About Earning $25,000 Per Sale

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Yes! Our agents are earning $25,000 in commissions for marketing the San Cristobal Retirement and Income Partnership!

We have had 100?s of inquiries from our last advertisement concerning this exciting retirement and income project and in an effort to save some phone time we are providing this explanation.

Do you want to market real estate that offers excellent income and appreciation to your client?s portfolio? and earn incredible commissions? Read this!

Imagine a $100,000 land backed investment that provides $50,000+ in annual income and in 20 years provides a lump sum payout of $1,000,000+ and pays the agent $25,000 for selling it! Interested, keep reading it gets better.


We have 20-acre titled parcels of unique growing land that provide $100,000+ in annual income from exotic fruits and have a 20-year growth proforma providing a $2,000,000 lump sum payout from the harvest of precious hardwoods. Our company provides the land management for a 50% cut of the gross revenue produced from the land.  We pay a commission not just based on the land value, but on the value it provides to the client and our company. 

This partnership provides the client with a combined 100% annual return through income and amortized appreciation with the security of titled ownership of prime land.


Our business model emulates the Ritz Carlton hotel chain in that we are a management company.  Ritz Carlton allows big insurance companies and pension funds to build the hotel and the Ritz Carlton manages the property.  The concept is not rocket science.  The Ritz simply would be unable to build hotels with their revenue stream therefore they need investors to purchase the property.  With the San Cristobal Partnership we are seeking investors to provide the money to acquire unique growing land so that we can harvest it.  We provide 50% of the revenues to the landowner.


Our company?s goal is acquire 5,000+ acres of this prime growing land, which will allow us to plant 250,000 precious hardwood trees. This harvest in 20-years will provide a yield of $625,000,000 and that is at today?s prices for the lumber.

This is truly a win-win-win partnership.

For decades reforestation projects have established themselves in prime growing areas and clients have been reaping substantial wealth from growing precious hardwood.  The idea of buying 20 acres of land, planting precious hardwoods and letting them grow for 20 years and earning millions of dollars off the harvest is too simple for most people to fathom.  The fact that the cost of hardwoods has increased 10%-25% per annum for the last 20 years is significant. Hardwood is becoming more scarce each year.  If the hardwood costs double in 20 years the harvest will produce over $1 billion in revenue.

This deal is as straightforward as it sounds. Attorneys and licensed real estate professionals handle the entire transaction. Investors are able to take advantage of dual residency, tax sheltered benefits and offshore business structures at no extra charge. The investors ownership of the land is   protected through a constitutional law. Title insurance as well as property insurance is available through Stewart Title and Lloyds of London.  The entire closing process takes less than 30 days and we pay the commission immediately upon the signing of the contract.

Selling land for long-term appreciation is one thing, selling land to provide income is another.  What if you could have the best of both worlds in one product? As you know having success in real estate revolves around two critical dynamics, providing excellent value to your clients so they think of you on future purchases and earning an income that supports your life style. San Cristobal provides both.

 If you would like Question and Answer proforma emailed to you please hit reply and enter Q&A in the subject line and one will be automatically sent to you.

If you are interested in a Master Agency agreement that will allow you to earn $35,000 per sale please email or call us at 011-507-214-8705 or 011-507-214-3452

If you are interested in scheduling a trip to get familiar with the project please call Panama Travel Experts @ 011-507-265-5323 (ask for Franz).  On your first sale we will provide a full and generous reimbursement for your travel expenses.

If you are ready to do some international travel and market property that has incredible growth potential and generate a six-figure revenue stream, 2002 will be the year.

Join our international team of sales professionals and build a career selling emerging Caribbean real estate.