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new draft-zeilenga-ldap-*-00.txt proposals

I have submitted a number of initial I-D which in the last couple
of weeks which this WG may find interesting.  I intended (after
appropriate review, comment, and revision) to have considered
for publication as RFCs.  Your technical and editorial comment
is welcomed.

LDAP AuthzId Operation <draft-zeilenga-ldap-authzid-00.txt>
  This I-D provides a mechanism for a client asking
  "who am i?".  As noted in a separate thread, it was
  introduced as an alternative to the Authentication
  Response Control <draft-weltman-ldapv3-auth-response-xx.txt>.
  The different approaches can be argued as being necessary
  to met different application needs.  This will be needed
  in the next revision of this work.  Also, the operation
  is to be renamed the "Who am I?" operation in the next
  revision.  Intended for the Standard Track.

Considerations for LDAP Extensions <draft-zeilenga-ldap-ext-00.txt> 
  This I-D (which is quite rough) attempts to detail considerations
  for designing LDAP Extensions.  Besides the obvious holes in the
  document, I am sure there will be contention in regards to some
  of the specific considerations.  In the next revision, I hope
  to capture additional considerations and to note the areas of
  contentions (to be addressed subsequently).  This work is
  builds upon Bruce's previous "Guidelines" work to some degree.
  Intended for publication as a BCP.

LDAPv3 Proxy Group <draft-zeilenga-ldap-proxy-grp-00.txt> 
  This I-D details a mechanism a client to issue zero or more
  operations under an assumed identity.  This I-D was primarily
  written to flush out the Grouping of Related Operations
  Technical Specification and should not be taken as the best
  approach for solving this problem.  Intended for publication
  as Experimental (or Informational).

Language Tags and Ranges in LDAP <draft-zeilenga-ldap-rfc2596-00.txt>
  This I-D details an update to RFC 2596.  It clarifies how
  multiple tags associated with a value are to be handled, updates
  the document to refer to latest language tag BCP (RFC 3066),
  adds support for language ranges, and provides a limited 
  discovery mechanism.  I undertook this work as it apropos
  to LDAPbis discussions regards attribute description options.
  Intended for the Standard Track (obsoleting RFC2596).

Over the last couple of days, I have also revised a number of
existing proposals.  I will summarize these separately (after
these revised I-Ds are made available in the I-D repository).

Enjoy!  Kurt