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Personal Invitation - PassivePROFITS(tm) - Residual Wealth Made Easy(tm)

Hi!  Just been browsing your home page on the web!  I thought to write because I think you might enjoy reading some of my writings too; if you fancied checking some out?!?

First thing:  it won't cost you a penny.  Second:  I would hope to be able to provide you with thought provoking articles - from having read some of your writings,.. it seems you would enjoy?!?

Please be my guest and send one blank email to the following address if you'd like to take a peek - I personally guarantee that you would be able to unsubscribe at any time, and the publication is only published when it contains something of serious and weighty interest: 


I would confirm receipt of your request to be added to the newsletter server list:  it's hosted on a third party host,.. so I'd also forward it to that newsletter server automatically for you.  You should note though, if you wish to receive the newsletter, you would have to confirm that decision by replying to the email the newsletter server will send you.  If you don't confirm you control the email address from which your request to be subscribed is sent (by confirming your desire to be so [direct to the newsletter server by email or through a web-link - provided in the newsletter's confirmation request email you'll receive]), you won't be subscribed!  

I hope you're interested enough to take an interest! 

Once again, the subscribe address:  




PPS If the fact that I took your email address from your home page and approached you has irritated you, please accept my apologies for trying to make a new friend on the Net - for interrupting you.

Please add yourself to my remove list which will automatically ensure I will never trouble you again:  mailto:remove@passiveprofits.com