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ldap caching


I am wondering what standard / scheme is being is being followed for
caching in the current implementations. e.g in the openldap 2.0.18
is that server side or client side caching?
There is an IETF internet draft dated 1997 that I found on the web, but
it seems very preliminary.
Has anyone followed on this one?

There have been a lot of proposals..though
e.g By the ATT research group..
'Using LDAP Directory Cache': http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/38137.html

but..I am eager to know what scheme is followed in the popular directory
..or is that proprietory? :-)

Dhananjay Kulkarni (Danny)
email: kulkarni@cs.ucr.edu
web  : http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~kulkarni
phone: 909-787-1946
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor
touched..but are felt in the heart"