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Let us restore your credit!! 811301

We repair damaged credit reports! ------------------------------------

We can also sue one or more of the consumer reporting agencies with NO upfront attorney fees!

We may help you repair your damaged consumer credit reports maintained by the major consumer reporting agencies, TransUnion, Experian & Equifax. This is done by legally auditing your consumer reports to help Correct, Clarify, Modify, or Remove slow pays, judgments, repossessions, foreclosures, tax liens, bankruptcies, charge-offs, and more, from your consumer credit report(s), in accordance with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and other various federal laws, federal trade commission regulations, and actual federal court decisions related to these issues, as stated below.

Did you know the consumer reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union, are restricted on what they may report on your credit? That they must maintain certain formalities and procedures in order to legally place something on your report? They must follow nearly 321 rules and regulations and if they do not, these items true or not, must be deleted UNDER FEDERAL LAW from your consumer credit reports or they may owe YOU money!

Do you think they actually follow all these rules? Let us find out for you!

In contacting you, our objective is to present you with options that will greatly eliminate, correct or modify, the negative items on your consumer credit reports and help bring you back into the credit system. Get that mortgage, car loan, credit card, or bank line of credit. There is a logical and sensible solution to resolve your credit report problems.

Let our attorneys get your consumer credit reports back up to credit worthy status! NO JOKE!

Have you been injured by a consumer reporting agency? We have successfully litigated, obtained judgments and actually collected against Trans Union, Experian and Equifax.

Would you like to sue one or more of the consumer reporting agencies with NO upfront attorney fees?!

Let us show you how to re-establish your credit by adding positive information to the credit reports maintained by the consumer reporting

Would you like to have an unsecured loan from a major bank(s) that report good credit? How about car loans? Unsecured MC/Visa's?

In short, we can help clean up your consumer credit reports, possibly obtain monetary judgments against the consumer reporting agencies AND help you obtain positive credit on your reports.

Legal credit repair & credit restoration. This is all we do.

Contact us now for more information.
You have absolutely nothing to lose!!!!

Please call 1-888-248-6104 24 HOURS per day.
Consultants are waiting for your call...

OR if you prefer, fill out the following form and fax it to us at 1-775-908-4641.

Name: _________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________________

Best Time to Call: ________________________________________


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