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Re: piece wise retrieval of multivalued attrib.

At 05:54 PM 4/20/2001 -0400, Mark C Smith wrote:

I think it would be better to spend some time designing the directory
service and the associated applications to avoid the need to store
millions of values.

I strongly agree. This points out a flaw in the schema/DIT structure, and not a missing feature of the LDAP protocol. Also note that if you need to check if a user is a member of the mailing list, you can use the Compare operation. You could implement the proposed matched values only control, which I believe is a bad thing that only encourages poor schema/DIT structure design. The best thing to do is to restructure the information in the DIT.

Mark Smith
Directory Product Development / Netscape

============================================== Bruce Greenblatt, Ph. D. Directory Tools and Application Services, Inc. http://www.directory-applications.com