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Re: ACL all entry attribute keyword


Previously we agreed to annotate the BNF to state which perms applied
to entries and which to attributes.  For clarity, I've reworked the BNF
(just section 4.1.1 so far) to remove the annotation and state clearly in BNF.

Here it is (and I hope I got it right given I'm not a BNF expert)...

******start BNF***********

 entryACI = rights "#" attr "#" subject

 subtreeACI = rights "#" attr "#" subject

 rights = (("grant:" / "deny:") permissions) /
          ("grant:" permissions ";deny:" permissions)

 permissions = entryPerm ("," entryPerm)* "#[entry]" /
               attrPerm ("," attrPerm)* "#[all]" /
               attrPerm ("," attrPerm)* "#" (attribute ("," attribute)*)

 entryPerm = "a" / ; add
             "d" / ; delete
             "e" / ; export
             "i" / ; import
             "n" / ; renameDN
             "b" / ; browseDN
             "t"   ; returnDN

 attrPerm = "r" / ; read
            "s" / ; search
            "w" / ; write (mod-add)
            "o" / ; obliterate (mod-del)
            "c" / ; compare
            "m"   ; make

 attribute = ; OID syntax (
             ;     from [ATTR]

 subject = ["authnLevel:" authnLevel ":"]
             (("authzID-" authzID) /
             ("role:" dn) /
             ("group:" dn) /
             ("subtree:" dn) /
             ("ipAddress:" ipAddress) /
             "public:" /

 authnLevel = "any" /
              "simple" /
              sasl /
              "none" /
              "anonymous" /

 sasl = "sasl:"
        ("any" /

 mechanism = ; sasl mechanism from 4.2 of [LDAPv3]

 authzID = ; authzID from [AuthMeth] repeated below
           ;    for convenience

 authzId = dnAuthzId / uAuthzId

 ; distinguished-name-based authz id.
 dnAuthzId  = "dn:" dn

 dn = utf8string ; with syntax defined in [UTF]

 ; unspecified userid, UTF-8 encoded.
 uAuthzId   = "u:" userid
 userid     = utf8string ; syntax unspecified

 ; IP address
 ipAddress   = IPv6address | printableString
               ; printableString to use a wildcard
               ;    domain name such as *.airius.com
               ;    to specify a specific DNS domain

 ; following is excerpted from [IPV6]
 IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
 IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
 IPv6prefix  = hexpart "/" 1*2DIGIT

 hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq ]
 hexseq  = hex4 *( ":" hex4)
 hex4    = 1*4HEXDIG

 printableString ; printableString syntax from [ATTR]



At 12:50 PM 3/9/2001 -0800, Sanjay Panwar wrote:

Question on draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model-07.txt

WRT attr options
               attr = "[all]" / "[entry]" / (attribute *("," attribute))

Is it necessary to have two different keywords to target Entry and All
attributes, since we already have separate set of permissions for entry
and attributes.

Is it not sufficient to have only one  keyword, lets call it "[all
entry]",  to target both entry and its attributes. Permission determines
whether it can be applied to an entry or attribute as illustrate below.

  subtreeACI: grant:o # [all entry] # role:cn=SysAdmin,o=Company
                  ; Applies to all attributes as o is attribute specific
  subtreeACI: grant:d # [all entry] # role:cn=SysAdmin,o=Company
                 ; Applies to the entry as d is entry specific

 With the existing scheme it is possible to define following ACIs, which
do not have any meaning.


- Panwar