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Re: Language Tags (WG last call on the Java API)

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> Section 4.3.5 continues:
>    getAttribute(attrName, lang) returns the subtype that matches
>    attrName and that best matches lang.
> I believe "best matches" is inappropriate.  A lang option either
> matches (case insensitively) or it doesn't.

Sorry for jumping in so late without knowing prior discussion.

If lang is simply a string the term "best matches" is inappropriate
indeed. But I think lang should be declared as an ordered list of
language options. In this case "best matches" would make sense to

E.g. web interfaces get a list of preferred languages from the web
browser. Would be handy to simply pass that list directly to
getAttribute(attrName, langList). Otherwise I can imagine myself
coding another wrapper method...

Ciao, Michael.