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RE: Inheriting / Cacheing / Replicating policy from superioradministrative areas

At 06:59 AM 2/22/01 +1100, Albert Langer wrote:
>I think it should be based directly on X.500 framework for administrative
>areas with whatever
>LDAP style simplifications can be achieved in those aspects that relate to
>operational bindings etc but no departures at all from a common conceptual
>framework as to how policy is inherited.

I concur.  I would prefer to keep the directory's administrative model
simple and as consistent as possible with the X.500 models.  Such
features as policy inheritance can be push into the administration
application space.  I note that one must be careful not to assume
that naming relationships have any particular significance to
the policy in force.

Also, I note (like Albert) that the administrative model in X.500 does
not to address the needs of multiple-master replication and hence may
require significant adaptation.  This may be difficult to engineer
by itself, however it will be much harder to engineer if numerous
unnecessary requirements are added to the mix.
