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Over35 Free Newsletter - Look Younger with Face Exercises

Over35 Free Newsletter  02-21-2001

Look Younger with Face Exercises!

It is obvious that, for those of us over 35, a well-exercised, conditioned body looks 
much younger than one with soft, flabby, fewer muscles.  If this is true for the body 
below the neck, what about above the neck?

Underneath the skin and connective tissue, your face has many muscles. As we age, 
these muscles sag just like the muscles in the rest of our bodies.  With proper facial 
exercises, your face will lift and be firmer, smoother.  Also, well-toned muscles are 
better able to pump blood to the skin resulting in younger, healthier-looking looking 
skin.  You can have the best skin care regime in the world, but if the muscles 
underneath are flabby, you will still look older.  

The results from exercising your face follow the same physiological laws of exercising 
your body ? it doesn't happen overnight and you must maintain the exercises to 
maintain your results.  And facial exercises are not just for the mature ? younger folks 
can maintain their looks by starting while they are still young.

Facial exercises don't take as much time as exercising your body.  After initial toning, 
you can maintain your results typically in 10 minutes of exercise 3-4 times per week.  
Is it worth the time investment?  After all ? your face shows all the time!

To find a facial exercise program that is right for you, go to any search engine and 
enter the key words ?face exercise?.  There are many programs to choose from.

Feel free to forward.

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