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Re: matching rules ...

At 10:49 AM 12/19/00 -0800, sanjay jain wrote:
>Could somebody please provide pointers to the formal 
>definitions and OIDs for the following matching rules ? 

As IA5 String syntax and matching rules are mentioned in various
X.500 RFCs (1274,1279,1617), I assume there is some specification
of associated matching rules to be found in the normative references
of these RFCs.  I note that at least one of these matching rules 
is specified in RFC 2798.

I also note that 2nd edition of X.500 does not provide any
specification of IA5 strings.  The 2nd edition relies on
directory strings which allow a choice of character encodings
(which IA5 is NOT a choice, but can be encoded using teletex
or universal strings).

I recommend to anyone designing schema not to use IA5 String
syntax and related matching rules.  Use directory string instead
and, if appropriate, state the contents shall be restricted to
IA5 characters.