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LDAP Proxied Authorization Control


You're control syntax needs a slight change due to the change
to a "authentication identity".  RFC2829 states:
   The authorization identity is a string in the UTF-8 character set,
   corresponding to the following ABNF [7]: ...

Hence, there is no ASN.1 to BER encode (as you had in previous draft,
hence my previous suggestion).   I suggest:
   The control value, an OCTET STRING, contains a LDAP Authorization
   Identity (authzId) as described in RFC2829, Section 9.

Alternative, you could define the value as the BER encoding of an
ASN.1 SEQUENCE which holds one OCTET STRING that contains an authzId.
   The control value is the BER encoding of proxiedAuthzValue:
		proxiedAuthzValue ::= SEQUENCE {
			proxyId	LDAPString }

   where proxyId contains an LDAP Authorization Identity (authzID) as
   described in RFC 2829, Section 9.  This sequence may be updated by
   Standard Track specifications updating this document.  Implementations
   SHOULD ignore elements of this sequence whose tags they do not

The latter offers a bit of extensibility which may or may not be
