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Java LDAP API - LDAPListener/SearchListener

Re: LDAPListener and LDAPSearchListener classes

There is some confusion as to what the methods
do in these classes.  Let me say what I think they do.
getMessageIDs - returns the IDs for outstanding requests,
i.e. LDAPResponse has not been received for the IDs
in the list.  The ID is removed from the list even if the
application has not read all the messages via getResponse???
It seems to make more sense to say, returns the IDs
for outstanding requests (LDAPResponse not received)
or for requests which still have messages to be read by
getResponse? In this way IDs has more meaning,
it is still alive until all messages are read.
isResponseReceived - returns true if any response is received
and not yet retrieved by getResponse. If getResponse has been
used to retrieve all messages received to this point, then isResponse
returns false. (i.e. is is somthing on the queue or not).
(The way it reads now, it seems to say, "true" if any response received -
ever! - even if all of them have been retrieved by getResponse).
isComplete - suggested for the next draft
isComplete - true if all results have been received, i.e. LDAPResponse
has been received for the ID.  There may still be messages waiting
to be retrieved by getResponse.
Am I right in my interpretation?  Does the doc need to be clarified?
Steve Sonntag
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net services software