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what are the server guys doing?

I'm sitting here watching the discussion on attribute sub-typing, and trying (without any success) to figure when I'd ever need an entry that had numerous subtypes within a single attribute. Can someone give me a good example of when a single LDAP entry would need one attribute with lots of subtypes present? It seems to me that this is going in a different direction that I'd like to see. As an LDAP application developer, I'm more interested in seeing other features added on the server side. I can make do without the sub-type stuff, but I really need to be able to selectively delete a sub-tree.

Just out of curiosity, I'd be interested in finding out if anyone that builds a server has any plans on supporting any recently defined extensions (controls or extended operations). For example:

LDAP Authentication Response Control  (draft)
LDAP Proxied Authentication Control  (draft)
LDAP Controls for Reply Signatures (draft)
Returning Matched Values with LDAPv3  (draft)
LDAP Control for a Duplicate Entry Representation of Search Results (draft)
LDAP Tree Delete Control (draft)
LDAP Client Update Protocol (draft)
Simple Operations on Subtrees (for LDAP) (draft)
An LDAP Control and Schema for Holding Operation Signatures (RFC 2649)

I've probably missed a few that have been defined. I'm very interested in encouraging extension development. As far as I can tell, there is very little activity in this area, but I'd like to hear differently. I'm expecting deafening silence in response, but am hopefully of hearing some noise! I'm sure that there would be plenty of interested beta testers...



Bruce Greenblatt, Ph. D.
Directory Tools and Application Services, Inc.
See my new Book on Internet Directories: http://www.phptr.com/ptrbooks/ptr_0139744525.html