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draft 4th edition directory texts

Hello all

Erik is in the zone and is rapidly producing the drafts of what will be our fourth edition of the directory standard

First drafts of X.501/part-2, X.511/part-3, X.518/part-4, X.520/part-6, and X.521/part-7 are up on the server in word and pdf formats at


These drafts were constructed by applying the following to the base 3rd edition:

1) the amendments that have been approved by ITU and are in FDAM ballot in ISO/IEC;

2) Erik's and Skip's best guess of what the Related Entries FDAM will look like after our editing meeting in November in Orlando;

3) Approved Technical Corrigenda;

4) Draft Technical Corrigenda currently under ballot with a close date that allows the comments to be reviewed at the Orlando meeting;

5) Draft Technical Corrigenda that is being developed now and submitted so that the ballot date will close before the ITU meeting at the end of January; and,

6) Corrected ASN.1 errors found with validaton tools.

These documents, or revisions of them, will be submitted to ITU by the morning of 9 October to meet their deadline for texts that will be approved at the ITU Study Grup 7 meeting in Geneva 29 January - 3 February 2001.

Since it is unlikely that these documents will be identical to the output of the editing meeting on Related Entries and with the resolution of comments on the Draft Technical Corrigenda, we will produce documents detailing the corrections needed. Those will be submitted by the seek before the SG7 meeting. In addition those documents will contain corrections that are found in the review.

We would like to minimize the number of those types of corrections so we are asking all of you to review as much of these texts as possible. Please send email to Erik ( mailto://era.als@get2net.dk ) and me ( mailto://hoytkesterson@earthlink.com ) describing any errors or problems you find. corrections will be incorporated into the texts sent to ITU by 9 October.

Erik has done yeoman work here. I intend to buy him a drink in Orlando
