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Have Some Fun (and maybe make some money)

(You were referred to me as someone who has expressed an interest in 
being offered opportunities.  If this message has reached you by mistake, please 
forgive the intrusion.)

ReferEveryone has started. IT'S FREE! You can make real money in it!  The
number one spot is going to have 1 million people in his downline in 180
days. It has already been two weeks and he is well on his way!! Why do those 1
million effect you? Because it is a 3x10 FORCED Matrix!! You can get paid a
small amount on everyone in your 3x10 matrix, as well as a bonus on everyone
you personally sponsor. The #1 guy in the company, sent an ad to 550
people. Over 100 of them signed up right then! NOW is your chance!

My sponsor has been in for 2 weeks and has over 400 in his downline! Just
sponsor 1 or 2 friends and your 3x10 matrix will fill up in REAL TIME on
your personal account webpage!! You have over 89,000 spots available! If you
earn only $1 on each member (you earn money when your downline buys products
that EVERYONE will want!) $1 a month per member, would be over one million a
year. But don't even worry about the millions, if you had 1000 members in
your downline, would you be happy with an extra $10,000 a year? That would
pay anyones extra bills!

The company has just announced their MAIN product!  It is smaller than a pack of 
cigarettes and can be connected anywhere to a phone line to provide long distance 
service at 3.3 cents per minute!   It is the best price ANYWHERE and every 
household will be buying one. Commissions will be about $6 on each level!! Plus a 
$30 referral fee!  In addition, they are completing their tie-in with a major jewelry 
web site that has over 24,000 pieces at 10% over manufacturers' cost.  This site 
would make your local jeweler jealous, and if you want to, you can sign him up in 
your downline and let him buy from the site!  (There will be many more such great 
bargains offered to members in the near future.)

Why get in now? The grandfather clause. If you get in within the next day or
two, you will be grandfathered in and you won't need to sponsor anyone to
qualify for commissions on your DOWNLINE! Now is the time to act! Go to
http://www.refereveryone.com/id/ab1813 and sign up and get ready to earn
money!  (It's so easy, it takes less than 2 minutes to sign up.)