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Re: [ldap] Netscape SDK Socket Blocking Problem? (WSAEINPROGRESS)

Vilenchik, Osnat wrote:
> > We are having problems with heavy loads on the Netscape
> > SDK. When running many threads (200 or so), each one
> > issuing a search request, the socket layer (window
> > sockets) starts returning a WSAEINPROGRESS error to the
> > SDK.  This indicates that the socket is blocked (full
> > of pending data) and can not accept data for now (the
> > condition is temporary since soon after, the socket
> > gets out of the blocked mode as it sends the buffered
> > data to the server).

This is arguably a bug in the sockets implementation; the
write attempt should be blocked until it can be successfully
completed by the operating system, instead of returning a
"try again later, I have brain damage right now" error.

Clearly, the SDK needs to work around the brain damage of
the OS on which it is expected to run (unfortunate but true,
I'm afraid).

It's terrifically tempting to "punish" the damaged OS by
spinning on the write until it can be successfully
completed... moreso because it would avoid having to write
a seperate retry latency mechanism to work around the OS
being "too busy to take commands from you right now".

Conventional "wisdom" would tell us "start another thread to
hold the retry"...


-- Terry Lambert
-- Whistle Communications, Inc., an I.B.M. Company
-- terry@whistle.com
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