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Please publish this second draft of our document entitled "LDAPv3 Result
Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use".   

Comments on this draft would be greatly appreciated.  

Changes from -00 include the addition of the following sections:
-  Sections 1.1 which describes the relationship to X.500;
-  Section 3 which overviews the draft contents; and
-  Section 6.1 which indicates the result codes applicable to all
In addition, there were several smaller changes.  

Mike Just


   The purpose of this document is to describe, in some detail, the
   meaning and use of the result codes used with the LDAPv3 protocol.
   Of particular importance are the error codes, which represent the
   majority of the result codes.  This document provides definitions for
   each result code, and outlines the expected behaviour of the various
   operations with respect to how result codes and in particular, error
   conditions should be handled and which specific error code should be

   It is hoped that this document will facilitate interoperability
   between clients and servers and the development of intelligent LDAP
   clients capable of acting upon the results received from the server.


Internet Draft                                       Mike Just, Entrust
                                                    K. Leclair, Entrust
                                                Jim Sermersheim, Novell
                                                   Mark Smith, Netscape
Document: <draft-just-ldapv3-rescodes-01.txt>            February, 2000
Category: Standards Track

          LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
      all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [RFC2026].

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other
   groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

1. Abstract

   The purpose of this document is to describe, in some detail, the
   meaning and use of the result codes used with the LDAPv3 protocol.
   Of particular importance are the error codes, which represent the
   majority of the result codes.  This document provides definitions for
   each result code, and outlines the expected behaviour of the various
   operations with respect to how result codes and in particular, error
   conditions should be handled and which specific error code should be

   It is hoped that this document will facilitate interoperability
   between clients and servers and the development of intelligent LDAP
   clients capable of acting upon the results received from the server.

1.1 Relationship to X.500

   The LDAPv3 RFC [RFC2251] states that "An LDAP server MUST act in
   accordance with the X.500(1993) series of ITU recommendations when
   providing the service. However, it is not required that an LDAP
   server make use of any X.500 protocols in providing this service,
   e.g. LDAP can be mapped onto any other directory system so long as
   the X.500 data and service model as used in LDAP is not violated in
   the LDAP interface." This means that there are two types of LDAP

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   servers, those that act as a front end to an X.500 directory, and
   stand alone LDAP servers which use some other form of repository as
   the back end.

   Because of differences between X.500 and LDAP there may be some
   differences in behaviour between LDAP-only servers and LDAP servers
   that act as front ends to X.500 DSAs. One such difference is the
   definition of specific access controls for X.500. X.500 defines the
   discloseOnError permission, an access control parameter for which
   there is currently no equivalent defined for LDAP. If an LDAP server
   is acting as a front end to an X.500 DSA then it may return
   noSuchObject when the target entry is found but the client does not
   have permission to view or modify the entry. Unless the server
   implements X.500 style access controls LDAP-only servers should only
   return noSuchObject when the target entry is not found until such
   time that similar access controls are defined for LDAP only servers.
   Because the client may not know what sort of LDAP server it is
   communicating with it should not rely on the behaviour of the server
   in this respect.

2. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

3. Overview

   This document collects and refines the definitions and descriptions
   for LDAPv3 result codes, as found in a variety of sources (see
   Section 8).  In some cases, material from these sources was absent,
   inadequate or ambiguous.  It is the hope of this document to
   present consistent definitions and descriptions of LDAPv3 result

   This document consists of two major sections facilitating information
   searches based on either a particular result code, or LDAP operation.

   Section 5 presents a glossary for the result codes.  Firstly, each is
   classified as either an erroneous or non-erroneous result.  The
   erroneous results, or error codes, are further classified based on
   the types of error codes defined in X.511 [X511].  Some
   reclassification was performed where appropriate.  For each result
   code, a definition, and list of operations that could return this
   code are given.  In addition, Section 5.3 specifies error precedence,
   based on error type, as given in X.511 [X511].

   Section 6 describes, for each operation, the result codes that could
   be returned for that operation.  Firstly, Section 6.1 enumerates
   those result codes that are applicable to all operations.  Within
   each remaining section (which is specific to each operation), the
   error codes are ordered as to the precedence of their parent type, as
   specified in Section 5.3.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   Also, Appendix A (Section 11) presents a simple matrix that indicates
   valid operation/result code pairs in LDAPv3.

4. Table of Contents

   1. Abstract........................................................1
 1.1 Relationship to X.500...........................................1
   2. Conventions used in this document...............................2
   3. Overview........................................................2
   4. Table of Contents...............................................3
   5. Result Codes in LDAPv3..........................................5
 5.1 Description of Non-Erroneous Result Codes.......................6
  5.1.1 success(0)...................................................6
  5.1.2 compareFalse(5)..............................................6
  5.1.3 compareTrue(6)...............................................6
  5.1.4 referral(10).................................................7
  5.1.5 saslBindInProgress(14).......................................7
 5.2 Description of Error Codes......................................7
  5.2.1 General Error Codes..........................................7 operationsError(1).......................................7 protocolError(2).........................................8 other(80)................................................8
  5.2.2 Specific Error Codes.........................................8 Attribute Problem Error Codes............................8 noSuchAttribute(16)...................................8 undefinedAttributeType(17)............................8 inappropriateMatching(18).............................9 constraintViolation(19)...............................9 attributeOrValueExists(20)............................9 invalidAttributeSyntax(21)............................9 NameProblem Error Codes..................................9 noSuchObject(32)......................................9 aliasProblem(33).....................................10 invalidDNSyntax(34)..................................10 aliasDereferencingProblem(36)........................10 SecurityProblem Error Codes.............................10 authMethodNotSupported(7)............................10 strongAuthRequired(8)................................10 confidentialityRequired(13)..........................11 inappropriateAuthentication(48)......................11 invalidCredentials(49)...............................11 insufficientAccessRights(50).........................11 ServiceProblem Error Codes..............................12 timeLimitExceeded(3).................................12 sizeLimitExceeded(4).................................12 adminLimitExceeded(11)...............................12 unavailableCriticalExtension(12).....................12 busy(51).............................................13 unavailable(52)......................................13 unwillingToPerform(53)...............................13 loopDetect(54).......................................13 UpdateProblem Error Codes...............................13 namingViolation(64)..................................14

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                     3
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000 objectClassViolation(65).............................14 notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)..............................14 notAllowedOnRDN(67)..................................14 entryAlreadyExists(68)...............................14 objectClassModsProhibited(69)........................15 affectsMultipleDSAs(71)..............................15
 5.3 Error Precedence...............................................15
   6 LDAP Operations.................................................15
 6.1 Common Result Codes............................................16
  6.1.1 Non-erroneous results.......................................16
  6.1.2 Security Errors.............................................16
  6.1.3 Service Errors..............................................16
  6.1.4 General Errors..............................................17
 6.2 Bind Operation Errors..........................................17
  6.2.1 Non-erroneous results.......................................17
  6.2.2 Name Errors.................................................17
  6.2.3 Security Errors.............................................17
 6.3 Search Operation Errors........................................17
  6.3.1 Name Errors.................................................18
  6.3.2 Attribute Errors............................................18
  6.3.3 Security Errors.............................................18
  6.3.4 Service Errors..............................................18
 6.4 Modify Operation Errors........................................19
  6.4.1 Name Errors.................................................19
  6.4.2 Update Errors...............................................19
  6.4.3 Attribute Errors............................................19
  6.4.4 Security Errors.............................................20
 6.5 Add Operation Errors...........................................20
  6.5.1 Name Errors.................................................20
  6.5.2 Update Errors...............................................20
  6.5.3 Attribute Errors............................................20
  6.5.4 Security Errors.............................................21
 6.6 Delete Operation Errors........................................21
  6.6.1 Name Errors.................................................21
  6.6.2 Update Errors...............................................21
  6.6.3 Security Errors.............................................21
 6.7 ModifyDN Operation Errors......................................21
  6.7.1 Name Errors.................................................22
  6.7.2 Update Errors...............................................22
  6.7.3 Attribute Errors............................................22
  6.7.4 Security Errors.............................................23
 6.8 Compare Operation Errors.......................................23
  6.8.1 Name Errors.................................................23
  6.8.2 Attribute Errors............................................23
  6.8.3 Security Errors.............................................23
  6.8.4 Example.....................................................24
 6.9 Extended Operation Errors......................................24
 6.10 Operations with no Server Response............................25
 6.11 Unsolicited Notification......................................25
   7. Security Considerations........................................25
   8. References.....................................................25
   9. Acknowledgments................................................26
   10. Author's Addresses............................................26
   11 Appendix A: Operation/Response Matrix..........................27

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   12 Full Copyright Statement.......................................29

5. Result Codes in LDAPv3

   In this section, a glossary of the result codes that may be returned
   from a server to a client is provided.  This section is meant to
   provide a central, unified source for these definitions.  RFC 2251
   [RFC2251] and X.511 [X511] were primary sources, forming the basis
   for the definitions given in this section.

   LDAP v3 [RFC2251] defines the following result message for return
   from the server to the client, where ?
                                             ? indicates those codes
   that were not used in LDAP v2.

   LDAPResult ::= SEQUENCE {
        resultCode      ENUMERATED {
                success                      (0),
                operationsError              (1),
                protocolError                (2),
                timeLimitExceeded            (3),
                sizeLimitExceeded            (4),
                compareFalse                 (5),
                compareTrue                  (6),
                authMethodNotSupported       (7),
                strongAuthRequired           (8),
                -- 9 reserved --
                referral                     (10),  -- new
                adminLimitExceeded           (11),  -- new
                unavailableCriticalExtension (12),  -- new
                confidentialityRequired      (13),  -- new
                saslBindInProgress           (14),  -- new
                noSuchAttribute              (16),
                undefinedAttributeType       (17),
                inappropriateMatching        (18),
                constraintViolation          (19),
                attributeOrValueExists       (20),
                invalidAttributeSyntax       (21),
                -- 22-31 unused --
                noSuchObject                 (32),
                aliasProblem                 (33),
                invalidDNSyntax              (34),
                -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
                aliasDereferencingProblem    (36),
                -- 37-47 unused --
                inappropriateAuthentication  (48),
                invalidCredentials           (49),
                insufficientAccessRights     (50),
                busy                         (51),
                unavailable                  (52),
                unwillingToPerform           (53),
                loopDetect                   (54),
                -- 55-63 unused --
                namingViolation              (64),
                objectClassViolation         (65),

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

                notAllowedOnNonLeaf          (66),
                notAllowedOnRDN              (67),
                entryAlreadyExists           (68),
                objectClassModsProhibited    (69),
                -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
                affectsMultipleDSAs          (71), -- new
                -- 72-79 unused --
                other                        (80) },
                -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
        matchedDN       LDAPDN,
        errorMessage    LDAPString,
        referral        [3] Referral OPTIONAL }

   If a client receives a result code that is not listed above, it is to
   be treated as an unknown error condition.

   The LDAP result includes an errorMessage field, which may, at the
   server's option, be used to return a string containing a textual,
   human-readable error diagnostic. As this error diagnostic is not
   standardized, implementations MUST NOT rely on the values returned.
   If the server chooses not to return a textual diagnostic, the
   errorMessage field of the LDAPResult type MUST contain a zero length

   In the following subsections, definitions for each result code are
   provided.  In addition, the operations that may return each result
   code are also identified.  The set of all operations consists of the
   following: Bind; Search; Modify; Add; Delete; ModifyDN; Extended; and

5.1 Description of Non-Erroneous Result Codes

   Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are not used to
   indicate an error.  These result codes are listed below.  The first
   three codes, indicate to the client that no further action is
   required in order to satisfy their request.  In contrast, the last
   two errors require further action by the client in order to complete
   their original operation request.

5.1.1 success(0)

   Applicable operations: all except for Compare.

   This result code does not indicate an error. It is returned when the
   client operation completed successfully.

5.1.2 compareFalse(5)

   Applicable operations: Compare.

   This result code does not indicate an error.  It is used to indicate
   that the result of a Compare operation is FALSE.

5.1.3 compareTrue(6)

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   Applicable operations: Compare.

   This result code does not indicate an error.  It is used to indicate
   that the result of a Compare operation is TRUE.

5.1.4 referral(10)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This result code is new in LDAPv3.  Rather than indicating an error,
   this result code is used to indicate that the server does not hold
   the target entry of the request but is able to provide alternative
   servers that may.  A set of server(s) URLs may be returned in the
   referral field, which the client may subsequently query to attempt to
   complete their operation.

5.1.5 saslBindInProgress(14)

   Applicable operations: Bind.

   This result code is new in LDAPv3.  This result code is not an error
   response from the server, but rather, is a request for bind
   continuation.  The server requires the client to send a new bind
   request, with the same SASL mechanism, to continue the authentication
   process [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3].

5.2 Description of Error Codes

   General error codes (see Section 5.2.1) are typically returned only
   when no suitable specific error exists.  Specific error codes (see
   Section 5.2.2) are meant to capture situations that are specific to
   the requested operation.

5.2.1 General Error Codes

   A general error code typically specifies an error condition for which
   there is no suitable specific error code. If the server can return an
   error, which is more specific than the following general errors, then
   the specific error should be returned instead. operationsError(1)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code is returned when the server encounters an internal
   error and is unable to respond with a more specific result code, as a
   result of this internal error.  This may occur, for example, if
   sufficient memory to handle a request cannot be allocated by the

   Note that an operationsError indicates that the server is unable to
   properly respond to a request, but does not indicate that the client
   has sent an erroneous message.  For example, in the case that a

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   malformed request is received and the server does not experience an
   internal error, a protocol error should be returned (see Section protocolError(2)

   Applicable operations: all.

   A protocol error should be returned by the server when an invalid or
   malformed request is received from the client. This may be a request
   that is not recognized as an LDAP request, for example, if a
   nonexistent operation were specified in LDAPMessage.  As well, it may
   be the result of a request that is missing a required parameter, such
   as a search filter in a search request. If the server can return an
   error, which is more specific than protocolError, then this error
   should be returned instead. For example if the server does not
   recognize the authentication method requested by the client then the
   error authMethodNotSupported should be returned instead of
   protocolError. The server may return details of the error in the
   error string. other(80)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code should be returned only if no other error code is
   suitable.  Use of this error code should be avoided if possible.
   Details of the error should be provided in the error message.

5.2.2 Specific Error Codes

   Specific errors are used to indicate that a particular type of error
   has occurred.  These error types are Name, Update, Attribute,
   Security, and Service. Attribute Problem Error Codes

   An attribute error reports a problem related to an attribute
   specified by the client in their request message. noSuchAttribute(16)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Compare.

   This error may be returned if the attribute specified as an argument
   of the operation does not exist in the entry. undefinedAttributeType(17)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Add.

   This error may be returned if the specified attribute is unrecognized
   by the server, since it is not present in the server?s defined
   schema. If the server doesn?t recognize an attribute specified in a

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   search request as the attribute to be returned the server should not
   return an error in this case - it should just return values for the
   requested attributes it does recognize. Note that this result code
   only applies to the Add and Modify operations [X.511, Section 12.4]. inappropriateMatching(18)

   Applicable operations: Search.

   An attempt was made, e.g., in a filter, to use a matching rule not
   defined for the attribute type concerned [X511, Section 12.4]. constraintViolation(19)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Add, ModifyDN.

   This error should be returned by the server if an attribute value
   specified by the client violates the constraints placed on the
   attribute as it was defined in the DSA - this may be a size
   constraint or a constraint on the content. attributeOrValueExists(20)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Add.

   This error should be returned by the server if the value specified by
   the client already exists within the attribute. invalidAttributeSyntax(21)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Add.

   This error should be returned by the server if the attribute syntax
   for the attribute value, specified as an argument of the operation,
   is unrecognized or invalid. NameProblem Error Codes

   A name error reports a problem related to the distinguished name
   provided as an argument to an operation [X511, Section 12.5].

   For result codes of noSuchObject, aliasProblem, invalidDNSyntax and
   aliasDereferencingProblem, the matchedDN field is set to the name of
   the lowest entry (object or alias) in the directory that was matched.
   If no aliases were dereferenced while attempting to locate the entry,
   this will be a truncated form of the name provided, or if aliases
   were dereferenced, of the resulting name, as defined in section 12.5
   of X.511 [X511]. The matchedDN field is to be set to a zero length
   string with all other result codes [RFC2251, Section 4.1.10]. noSuchObject(32)

   Applicable operations: all except for Bind.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   This error should only be returned if the target object cannot be
   found. For example, in a search operation if the search base can not
   be located in the DSA the server should return noSuchObject. If,
   however, the search base is found but does not match the search
   filter, success, with no resultant objects, should be returned
   instead of noSuchObject.

   If the LDAP server is a front end for an X.500 DSA then noSuchObject
   may also be returned if discloseOnError is not granted for an entry
   and the client does not have permission to view or modify the entry. aliasProblem(33)

   Applicable operations: Search.

   An alias has been dereferenced which names no object [X511, Section
   12.5]. invalidDNSyntax(34)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error should be returned by the server if the DN syntax is
   incorrect. It should not be returned if the DN is correctly formed
   but represents an entry which is not permitted by the structure rules
   at the DSA; in this case namingViolation should be returned instead. aliasDereferencingProblem(36)

   Applicable operations: Search.

   An alias was encountered in a situation where it was not allowed or
   where access was denied [X511, Section 12.5].

   For example, if the client does not have read permission for the
   aliasedObjectName attribute and its value then the error
   aliasDereferencingProblem should be returned. [X511, Section] SecurityProblem Error Codes

   A security error reports a problem in carrying out an operation for
   security reasons [X511, Section 12.7]. authMethodNotSupported(7)

   Applicable operations: Bind.

   This error code should be returned if the client requests, in a Bind
   request, an authentication method which is not supported or
   recognized by the server. strongAuthRequired(8)

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error may be returned on a bind request if the server only
   accepts strong authentication or it may be returned when a client
   attempts an operation which requires the client to be strongly
   authenticated - for example Delete.

   This result code may also be returned in an unsolicited notice of
   disconnection if the server detects that an established underlying
   security association protecting communication between the client and
   server has unexpectedly failed or been compromised. [RFC2251, Section
   4.4.1] confidentialityRequired(13)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code is new in LDAPv3. This error code may be returned if
   the session is not protected by a protocol which provides session
   confidentiality. For example, if the client did not establish a TLS
   connection using a cipher suite which provides confidentiality of the
   session before sending any other requests, and the server requires
   session confidentiality then the server may reject that request with
   a result code of confidentialityRequired. inappropriateAuthentication(48)

   Applicable operations: Bind.

   This error should be returned by the server when the client has tried
   to use a method of authentication that is inappropriate, that is a
   method of authentication which the client is unable to use correctly.
   In other words, the level of security associated with the requestor?s
   credentials is inconsistent with the level of protection requested,
   e.g. simple credentials were supplied while strong credentials were
   required [X511, Section 12.7]. invalidCredentials(49)

   Applicable operations: Bind.

   This error code is returned if the DN or password used in a simple
   bind operation is incorrect, or if the DN or password is incorrect
   for some other reason, e.g. the password has expired.  This result
   code only applies to Bind operations -- it should not be returned for
   other operations if the client does not have sufficient permission to
   perform the requested operation - in this case the return code should
   be insufficientAccessRights. insufficientAccessRights(50)

   Applicable operations: all except for Bind.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   The requestor does not have the right to carry out the requested
   operation [X511, Section 12.7]. ServiceProblem Error Codes

   A service error reports a problem related to the provision of the
   service [X511, Section 12.8]. timeLimitExceeded(3)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error should be returned when the time to perform an operation
   has exceeded either the time limit specified by the client (which may
   only be set by the client in a search operation) or the limit
   specified by the server.  If the time limit is exceeded on a search
   operation then the result is an arbitrary selection of the
   accumulated results [X511, Section 7.5].  Note that an arbitrary
   selection of results may mean that no results are returned to the

   If the LDAP server is a front end for an X.500 server, any operation
   that is chained may exceed the timelimit, therefore clients can
   expect to receive timelimitExceeded for all operations. For stand
   alone LDAP-Servers that do not implement chaining it is unlikely that
   operations other than search operations will exceed the defined
   timelimit. sizeLimitExceeded(4)

   Applicable operations: Search.

   This error should be returned when the number of results generated by
   a search exceeds the maximum number of results specified by either
   the client or the server. If the size limit is exceeded then the
   results of a search operation will be an arbitrary selection of the
   accumulated results, equal in number to the size limit [X511, Section
   7.5]. adminLimitExceeded(11)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code is new in LDAPv3.  The server has reached some limit
   set by an administrative authority, and no partial results are
   available to return to the user [X511, Section 12.8].  For example,
   there may be an administrative limit to the number of entries a
   server will check when gathering potential search result candidates
   [Net]. unavailableCriticalExtension(12)

   Applicable operations: all.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   This error code is new in LDAPv3.  The server was unable to satisfy
   the request because one or more critical extensions were not
   available [X511, Section 12.8]. This error is returned, for example,
   when a control submitted with a request is marked critical but is not
   recognized by a server or when such a control is not appropriate for
   the operation type. [RFC2251 section 4.1.12]. busy(51)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code may be returned if the server is unable to process
   the client?s request at this time. This implies that if the client
   retries the request shortly the server will be able to process it
   then. unavailable(52)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code is returned when the server is unavailable to process
   the client?s request. This usually means that the LDAP server is
   shutting down [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]. unwillingToPerform(53)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error code should be returned by the server when a client
   request is properly formed but which the server is unable to complete
   due to server-defined restrictions.  For example, the server, or some
   part of it, is not prepared to execute this request, e.g. because it
   would lead to excessive consumption of resources or violates the
   policy of an Administrative Authority involved [X511, Section 12.8].
   If the server is able to return a more specific error code such as
   adminLimitExceeded it should. This error may also be returned if the
   client attempts to modify attributes which can not be modified by
   users, e.g., operational attributes such as creatorsName or
   createTimestamp [X511, Section 7.12]. If appropriate, details of the
   error should be provided in the error message. loopDetect(54)

   Applicable operations: all.

   This error may be returned by the server if it detects an alias or
   referral loop, and is unable to satisfy the client?s request. UpdateProblem Error Codes

   An update error reports problems related to attempts to add, delete,
   or modify information in the DIB [X511, Section 12.9].

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    13
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000 namingViolation(64)

   Applicable operations: Add, ModifyDN.

   The attempted addition or modification would violate the structure
   rules of the DIT as defined in the directory schema and X.501.  That
   is, it would place an entry as the subordinate of an alias entry, or
   in a region of the DIT not permitted to a member of its object class,
   or would define an RDN for an entry to include a forbidden attribute
   type [X511, Section 12.9]. objectClassViolation(65)

   Applicable operations: Modify, Add, ModifyDN.

   This error should be returned if the operation requested by the user
   would violate the objectClass requirements for the entry if carried
   out. On an add or modify operation this would result from trying to
   add an object class without a required attribute, or by trying to add
   an attribute which is not permitted by the current object class set
   in the entry. On a modify operation this may result from trying to
   remove a required attribute without removing the associated auxiliary
   object class, or by attempting to remove an object class while the
   attributes it permits are still present. notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)

   Applicable operations: Delete, ModifyDN.

   This operation should be returned if the client attempts to perform
   an operation which is permitted only on leaf entries - e.g., if the
   client attempts to delete a non-leaf entry.  If the directory does
   not permit ModifyDN for non-leaf entries then this error may be
   returned if the client attempts to change the DN of a non-leaf entry.
   (Note that 1988 edition X.500 servers only permitted change of the
   RDN of an entry's DN [X.511, Section 11.4.1]). notAllowedOnRDN(67)

   Applicable operations: Modify.

   The attempted operation would affect the RDN (e.g., removal of an
   attribute which is a part of the RDN) [X511, Section 12.9].  If the
   client attempts to remove from an entry any of its distinguished
   values, those values which form the entry's relative distinguished
   name the server should return the error notAllowedOnRDN. [RFC2251,
   Section 4.6] entryAlreadyExists(68)

   Applicable operations: Add, ModifyDN.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   This error should be returned by the server when the client attempts
   to add an entry which already exists, or if the client attempts to
   rename an entry with the name of an entry which exists. objectClassModsProhibited(69)

   Applicable operations: Modify.

   An operation attempted to modify an object class that should not be
   modified, e.g., the structural object class of an entry.  Some
   servers may not permit object class modifications, especially
   modifications to the structural object class since this may change
   the entry entirely, name forms, structure rules etc. [X.511, Section
   12.9]. affectsMultipleDSAs(71)

   Applicable operations: ModifyDN.

   This error code is new for LDAPv3. This error code should be returned
   to indicate that the operation could not be performed since it
   affects more than one DSA.

   X.500 restricts the ModifyDN operation to only affect entries that
   are contained within a single server. If the LDAP server is mapped
   onto DAP, then this restriction will apply, and the resultCode
   affectsMultipleDSAs will be returned if this error occurred. In
   general clients MUST NOT expect to be able to perform arbitrary
   movements of entries and subtrees between servers [RFC2251, Section

5.3 Error Precedence

   A server MUST return only a single result code to a client.  The
   following list specifies the precedence of errors in the case that
   more than one error is detected [X511]:

   1. Specific Errors;
        i. Name Errors;
        ii. Update Errors;
        iii. Attribute Errors;
        iv. Security Errors;
        v. Service Errors;
   2. General Errors.

6 LDAP Operations

   LDAP v3 [RFC2251] defines the following LDAPMessage for conveyance of
   the intended operation request from the client to the server.

   LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
        messageID   MessageID,
        protocolOp  CHOICE {
                bindRequest     BindRequest,

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    15
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

                bindResponse    BindResponse,
                unbindRequest   UnbindRequest,
                searchRequest   SearchRequest,
                searchResEntry  SearchResultEntry,
                searchResDone   SearchResultDone,
                searchResRef    SearchResultReference,
                modifyRequest   ModifyRequest,
                modifyResponse  ModifyResponse,
                addRequest      AddRequest,
                addResponse     AddResponse,
                delRequest      DelRequest,
                delResponse     DelResponse,
                modDNRequest    ModifyDNRequest,
                modDNResponse   ModifyDNResponse,
                compareRequest  CompareRequest,
                compareResponse CompareResponse,
                abandonRequest  AbandonRequest,
                extendedReq     ExtendedRequest,
                extendedResp    ExtendedResponse },
        controls       [0] Controls OPTIONAL }

   MessageID ::= INTEGER (0 .. maxInt)

   maxInt INTEGER ::= 2147483647 -- (2^^31 - 1) -

   Starting in Section 6.2, behaviour regarding the return of each
   result code is specified for each operation.  Section 6.1 indicates
   those result codes that are typically applicable to all operations.

6.1 Common Result Codes

   The following result codes are applicable to, and may be returned in
   response to all operations (except where stated otherwise).

6.1.1 Non-erroneous results

   For all but a Compare operation, a success(0) result code will be
   returned in the case that the requested operation succeeds; a
   compareTrue would be returned for a Compare operation.  For each
   operation, the server may return referral(10), as defined in Section

6.1.2 Security Errors

   Of the six possible security errors, two may be returned in response
   to every operation.  These two errors are strongAuthRequired(8) and

6.1.3 Service Errors

   All service errors, except sizeLimitExceeded(4) may be returned in
   response to any LDAP v3 operation.  sizeLimitExceeded is only
   applicable to the Search operation.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

6.1.4 General Errors

   All general errors are applicable to all operations. The list of
   general errors includes operationsError, protocolError, and other.

6.2 Bind Operation Errors

   If the bind operation succeeds then a result code of success will be
   returned to the client. If the server does not hold the target entry
   of the request, a referral(10) may be returned.  If the operation
   fails then the result code will be one of the following from the set
   of non-erroneous result, name errors, security errors, service
   errors, and general errors.

   If the server does not support the client's requested protocol
   version, it MUST set the resultCode to protocolError.
   If the client receives a BindResponse response where the resultCode
   was protocolError, it MUST close the connection as the server will be
   unwilling to accept further operations. (This is for compatibility
   with earlier versions of LDAP, in which the bind was always the first
   operation, and there was no negotiation.) [RFC2251, Section 5.2.3]

   The remaining errors listed in this section are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.2.1 Non-erroneous results

   In addition to success or referral, the following non-erroneous
   result code may be returned:

   saslBindInProgress: the server requires the client to send a new bind
   request, with the same sasl mechanism, to continue the authentication

6.2.2 Name Errors

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided does not have the correct syntax,

6.2.3 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   authMethodNotSupported: unrecognized SASL mechanism name,

   inappropriateAuthentication: the server requires the client which had
   attempted to bind anonymously or without supplying credentials to
   provide some form of credentials,

   invalidCredentials: the wrong password was supplied or the SASL
   credentials could not be processed, [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]

6.3 Search Operation Errors

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   X.500 provides three separate operations for searching the directory
   - Read of a single entry, List of an entry?s children and search of
   an entire sub-tree. LDAP provides a single search operation, however
   the X.500 operations can be simulated by using base, one-level and
   sub-tree scope restrictions respectively.

   If the Search operation succeeds then zero or more search entries
   will be returned followed by a search result of success. If the
   server does not hold the target entry of the request, a referral(10)
   may be returned.  If the search operation fails then zero or more
   search entries will be returned followed by a search result
   containing one of the following result codes from the set of name
   errors, attribute errors, security errors, service errors, and
   general errors.

   The remaining errors listed in this section are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.3.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: the base object, for the search, does not exist.

   aliasProblem: an alias was dereferenced which named no object.

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided for the search base does not have
   the correct syntax,

   aliasDereferenceProblem: The client does not have permission for the
   aliasedObjectName attribute or to search the dereferenced alias

6.3.2 Attribute Errors

   inappropriateMatching: an attempt was made to use a matching rule not
   defined for an attribute in the search filter.

6.3.3 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   insufficientAccessRights: The requestor does not have sufficient
   permissions to perform the search.

6.3.4 Service Errors

   In addition to the common service errors indicated in Section 6.1.3,
   the following service error may also be returned:

   sizeLimitExceeded: the number of search results exceeds the size
   limit specified by the client or the server. If the server has

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    18
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   defined a maximum PDU size, this error may also be returned if the
   size of the combined results exceeds this limit.

6.4 Modify Operation Errors

   The Modify operation cannot be used to remove from an entry any of
   its distinguished values, those values that form the entry's relative
   distinguished name. An attempt to do so will result in the server
   returning the error notAllowedOnRDN. The Modify DN Operation
   described in section 5.9 is used to rename an entry. [RFC2251,
   Section 4.6]

   If the modify operation succeeds, a result code of success will be
   returned to the client. If the server does not hold the target entry
   of the request, a referral(10) may be returned.  If the operation
   fails, the result code will be one of the following from the set of
   name errors, update errors, attribute errors, security errors,
   service errors, and general errors.

   The remaining errors listed in this section, are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.4.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: the target object does not exist.

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided does not have the correct syntax,

6.4.2 Update Errors

   objectClassViolation: An attempt was made to modify an object which
   is illegal according to its object class definition in the schema or
   DIT content rules for that object class.

   notAllowedOnRDN: An attempt was made to modify the object entry?s
   distinguished name

   objectClassModsProhibited: The modification attempted to change an
   entry?s object class which is not allowed.

6.4.3 Attribute Errors

   noSuchAttribute: the attribute to be modified does not exist in the
   target entry.

   undefinedAttributeType: The attribute specified does not exist in the
   server's defined schema.

   constraintViolation: The modification would create an attribute value
   outside the normal bounds.

   attributeOrValueExists: The modification would create a value which
   already exists within the attribute.

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   invalidAttributeSyntax: The value specified doesn?t adhere to the
   syntax definition for that attribute.

6.4.4 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   insufficientAccessRights: The requestor does not have sufficient
   permissions to modify the entry.

6.5 Add Operation Errors

   The superior of the entry must exist for the operation to succeed. If
   not, a noSuchObject error is returned and the matchedDN field will
   contain the name of the lowest entry in the directory that was

   If the add operation succeeds, a result code of success will be
   returned to the client. If the server does not hold the target entry
   of the request, a referral(10) may be returned.  If the operation
   fails, the result code will be one of the following from the set of
   name errors, update errors, attribute errors, security errors,
   service errors, and general errors.

   The remaining errors listed in this section, are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.5.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: One or more superiors to the target entry do not exist.

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided does not have the correct syntax,

6.5.2 Update Errors

   namingViolation: Either the target entry cannot be created under the
   specified superior due to DIT structure rules, or the target entry is
   named by an RDN not permitted by the DIT name form rule for its
   object class.

   objectClassViolation: An attempt was made to add an entry and one of
   the following conditions existed: A required attribute was not
   specified; an attribute was specified which is not permitted by the
   current object class set in the entry; a structural object class
   value was not specified; an object class value was specified that
   doesn?t exist in the schema.

   entryAlreadyExists: The target entry already exists.

6.5.3 Attribute Errors

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         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   undefinedAttributeType: The attribute specified does not exist in the
   server's defined schema.

   constraintViolation: The attribute value falls outside the bounds
   specified by the attribute syntax.

   attributeOrValueExists: A duplicate attribute value appears in the
   list of attributes for the entry.

   invalidAttributeSyntax: The value specified doesn?t adhere to the
   syntax definition for that attribute.

6.5.4 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   insufficientAccessRights: The requestor does not have sufficient
   permissions to either add the entry or to add one or more of the
   attributes specified.

6.6 Delete Operation Errors

   If the delete operation succeeds, a result code of success will be
   returned to the client. If the server does not hold the target entry
   of the request, a referral(10) may be returned.  If the operation
   fails, the result code will be one of the following from the set of
   name errors, update errors, security errors, service errors, and
   general errors.

   The remaining errors listed in this section, are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.6.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: The target entry does not exist.

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided does not have the correct syntax,

6.6.2 Update Errors

   notAllowedOnNonLeaf: The target entry is not a leaf object. Only
   objects having no subordinate objects in the tree may be deleted.

6.6.3 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   insufficientAccessRights: The requestor does not have sufficient
   permissions to delete the entry.

6.7 ModifyDN Operation Errors

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    21
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   Note that X.500 restricts the ModifyDN operation to only affect
   entries that are contained within a single server. If the LDAP server
   is mapped onto DAP, then this restriction will apply, and the
   resultCode affectsMultipleDSAs will be returned if this error
   occurred. In general clients MUST NOT expect to be able to perform
   arbitrary movements of entries and subtrees between servers.
   [RFC2251, Section 4.9]

   If the Modify DN operation succeeds then a result code of success
   will be returned to the client. If the server does not hold the
   target entry of the request, a referral(10) may be returned.  If the
   operation fails then the result code will be one of the following
   from the set of name errors, update errors, attribute errors,
   security errors, service errors, and general errors.

   The remaining errors listed in this section, are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.7.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: the target object does not exist or a new superior
   object was specified that does not exist.

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided does not have the correct syntax.

6.7.2 Update Errors

   namingViolation: Either the target entry cannot be moved to the
   specified superior due to DIT structure rules, or the target entry is
   named by an RDN not permitted by the DIT name form rule for its
   object class.

   objectClassViolation: The client has specified that the old RDN
   values should be removed from the entry (using the 'deleteOldRdn'
   parameter) but the removal of these values would violate the entry's
   schema. [RFC 2251 Section 4.9]

   notAllowedOnNonLeaf: If the server does not permit the ModifyDN
   operation on non-leaf entries this error will be returned if the
   client attempts to rename a non-leaf entry

   entryAlreadyExists: The target entry already exists.

   AffectsMultipleDSAs:  X.500 restricts the ModifyDN operation to only
   affect entries that are contained within a single server. If the LDAP
   server is mapped onto DAP, then this restriction will apply, and the
   resultCode affectsMultipleDSAs will be returned if this error
   occurred. In general clients MUST NOT expect to be able to perform
   arbitrary movements of entries and sub-trees between servers.
   [RFC2251, Section 4.9]

6.7.3 Attribute Errors

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    22
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   constraintViolation: The operation would create an attribute value
   outside the normal bounds.

6.7.4 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

   insufficientAccessRights: The requestor does not have sufficient
   permissions to either add the entry or to add one or more of the
   attributes specified.

6.8 Compare Operation Errors

   If there exists a value within the attribute being compared that
   matches the purported argument and for which compare permissions is
   granted, the operation returns the value compareTrue in the result,
   otherwise, the operation returns compareFalse. [X511, Section 9.2.4]
   If the server does not hold the target entry of the request, a
   referral(10) may be returned.

   If the compare operation can not be completed, then the server may
   return one of the following results from the set of name errors,
   attribute errors, security errors, service errors, and general

   The remaining errors listed in this section are operation-specific.
   An operation may also result in the return of any of the common
   errors, as listed in Section 6.1.

6.8.1 Name Errors

   noSuchObject: the entry to be compared does not exist in the

   invalidDNSyntax: the DN provided for the entry to be compared does
   not have the correct syntax.

6.8.2 Attribute Errors

   noSuchAttribute: the attribute to be compared does not exist in the
   target entry.

   invalidAttributeSyntax: The value specified doesn?t adhere to the
   syntax definition for that attribute.

6.8.3 Security Errors

   As stated in Section 6.1.2, strongAuthRequired(8) and
   confidentialityRequired(13) may be returned for any operation.

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    23
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   insufficientAccessRights: If the client does not have read permission
   for the entry to be compared, or for the attribute then
   insufficientAccessRights should be returned, [X511, Section 9.2.4]

6.8.4 Example

   The following example is included to demonstrate the expected
   responses for the compare operation.
   Given the following entry:

   dn: cn=Foo
   objectClass: top
   objectClass: person
   sn: bar
   userPassword: xyz

   i) Compare with userPassword=xyz results in a compareTrue because the
   requested value exists in the entry.

   ii) Compare with userPassword=abc results in a compareFalse because
   the entry contains a userPassword attribute but the value abc is not

   iii) Compare with telephoneNumber=123-456-7890 results in a
   noSuchAttribute. The attribute telephoneNumber is permissible in the
   entry based on the schema defined in the server but because it is
   empty it does not exist in the target entry.

   iv) Compare with ou=myOrg results in noSuchAttribute. The requested
   attribute is a recognized attribute but it is neither present nor is
   it valid for the target entry.

   v) Compare with bogusAttr=abc results in noSuchAttribute. The
   requested attribute is not a recognized attribute nor is it present
   in the target entry.

   Note that the response for scenarios 3 through 5 is always
   noSuchAttribute. The semantics of the compare operation is simply
   ?does the target entry contain the specified value??
                                                       ? and so no
   distinction is made between a request for an unknown, invalid, or,
   valid but empty attribute. In all cases if the attribute is not
   present in the entry then the result is noSuchAttribute.

6.9 Extended Operation Errors

   The results returned for an extended operation vary, depending on the
   particular operation.  At least, the general responses that apply to
   every operation will certainly apply to an extended operation.  The
   precedence of error codes, as described in Section 5.3, applies as
   well to any extended operation.

   If the server does not recognize the request name, it MUST return
   only the response fields from LDAPResult, containing the
   protocolError result code [RFC2251, Section 4.12]

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    24
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

6.10 Operations with no Server Response

   The LDAP v3 protocol has two client operations for which no server
   response is returned.  Specifically, these are unbindRequest, and
   abandonRequest.  Since no response is returned, there is no need to
   consider possible result codes for these operations.

6.11 Unsolicited Notification

   In some situations, a server may issue a ?
                                                      ? to a client for
   which there was no client request.   This notification ?
                                                          ?is used to
   signal an extraordinary condition in the server or in the connection
   between the client and the server.  The notification is of an
   advisory nature, and the server will not expect any response to be
   returned from the client.?
                            ? [RFC2251, Section 4.4]

   RFC 2251 [RFC2251] describes a notice of disconnection in which a
   protocolError, strongAuthRequired, or unavailable result code may be
   returned.  The reader is directed there for further information.

7. Security Considerations

   This draft is meant to complement and enhance the coverage of result
   codes for LDAP v3, as described in RFC 2251 [RFC2251].  Section 7 of
   RFC 2251 [RFC2251] lists a number of security considerations specific
   to LDAP v3.

   Note that in X.500 if the discloseOnError permission is not granted
   then many operations will return noSuchObject instead of a more
   specific error. As there is currently no equivalent for this
   permission in LDAP, LDAP-only servers should return the appropriate
   error code in the event of an error.

8. References

   [RFC2026]    S. Bradner, ?
                            ?The Internet Standards Process - Revision
                 ?, RFC 2026, October 1996.

   [RFC2119]    S. Bradner, ?
                            ?Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                Requirement Levels?
                                  ?, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2251]    M. Wahl, T. Howes, S. Kille, ?
                                             ?Lightweight Directory
                Access Protocol?
                               ?, RFC 2251, December 1997.

   [X511]       ITU-T Recommendation X.511, ?
                                            ?The Directory: Abstract
                Service Definition?
                                  ?, 1993.

   [TLS]        J. Hodges, R.L. Morgan, M. Wahl, ?
                                                 ?Lightweight Directory
                Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer
                        ?, June 1999. <draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-tls-
                05.txt> "work in progress"

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    25
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   [Net]        Netscape Directory SDK 3.0 for C Programmer?s Guide,
                Chapter 19: Result Codes. Available at Error! Bookmark
                not defined.

9. Acknowledgments

   The production of this document relied heavily on the information
   available from RFC 2251 [RFC2251] and ITU-T Recommendation X.511

10. Author's Addresses

   Mike Just
   Entrust Technologies
   750 Heron Rd, Tower E
   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

   Kristianne Leclair
   Entrust Technologies
   750 Heron Rd, Tower E
   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

   Jim Sermersheim
   122 East 1700 South
   Provo, Utah 84606, USA
   Error! Bookmark not defined.

   Mark Smith
   501 Ellis Street
   Mountain View, CA 94043
   Error! Bookmark not defined.

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    26
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

11 Appendix A: Operation/Response Matrix

   Result Codes                  Operations

                                 B    S    M    A    D    M     C
                                 i    e    o    d    e    o     o
                                 n    a    d    d    l    d     m
                                 d    r    i         e    D     p
                                      c    f         t    N     a
                                      h    y         e          r

                                 Non-erroneous results

   success (0)                   X    X    X    X    X    X

   compareFalse (5)                                               X

   compareTrue (6)                                                X

   referral (10)                 X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   SaslBindInProgress (14)       X

                                 Name errors

   noSuchObject (32)                  X    X    X    X    X     X

   aliasProblem (33)                  X

   InvalidDNSyntax (34)          X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   AliasDereferencingProblem          X

                                 Update errors

   namingViolation (64)                         X          X

   objectClassViolation (65)               X    X          X

   notAllowedOnNonLeaf (66)                           X    X

   notAllowedonRDN (67)                    X

   entryAlreadyExists (68)                      X          X

   objectClassModesProhibite               X
   d (69)

   affectsMultipleDSAs (71)                                 X

                                 Attribute errors

   NoSuchAttribute(16)                     X                      X

   UndefinedAttributeType                  X    X

   InappropriateMatching              X

   ConstraintViolation (19)                X    X          X

   AttributeOrValueExists                  X    X

   InvalidAttributeSyntax                  X    X

                                 Security errors

   AuthMethodNotSupported        X

   StrongAuthRequired (8)        X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   ConfidentialityRequred(13     X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   InappropriateAuthenticati     X
   on (48)

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    27
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

   InvalidCredentials (49)       X

   InsufficientAccessRights           X    X    X    X    X     X

                                 Service errors

   TimeLimitExceeded (3)         X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   SizeLimitExceeded (4)              X

   AdminLimitExceeded (11)       X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   UnavailableCriticialExten     X    X    X    X    X    X     X
   sion (12)

   busy (51)                     X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   unavailable (52)              X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   unwillingToPerform (53)       X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   loopDetect (54)               X    X    X    X    X    X     X

                                 General errors

   OperationsError (1)           X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   protocolError (2)             X    X    X    X    X    X     X

   other (80)                    X    X    X    X    X    X     X

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    28
         LDAPv3 Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use Feb, 2000

12 Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (Oct 1999). All Rights Reserved.
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

Just, Leclair, Sermersheim, Smith INTERNET-DRAFT                    29