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Re: Comments on aci-model-04

djbyrne@us.ibm.com wrote:

> All:
> There's been several requests for the concept of an acl applying to a
> subtree of DNs.
> The proposal on the table is to add an additional identifier to the subject
> Type : subtree. Subtree would mean that the aci entry would apply to the DN
> and all descendants of that dn.
> aci:;r;w;[all];#subtree#ou=Org,c=Country
> This aci would be applicable to: ou=Org,c=Country ,   cn=Group1
> ,ou=Org,c=Country etc.

Does this mean that  "the aci is applicable" or  "anyone within
ou=org,c=country" has the privilege ? I am thinking it's the latter.

I would suggest a more general approach of using filters here.


> Including subtree, the precedence order for subject Types would be:
> (Lowest- least specific) subtree - role - group - accessId ( highest - most
> specific )
> I don't really like using the term subtree here, since it's already been
> used in the BNF. I rather use a distinct term so there isn't any confusion,
> so if anyone can think of another term, please speak up.
> Debbie
> INet: djbyrne@us.ibm.com
> Lotus Notes : djbyrne@ibmus
> Phone: (512)838-1930 ( T/L 678 )

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