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RE: Multiple extended responses per request

This is an accurate summary according to my point of view.  I would vote for defining an Extended Partial Response to solve the issue of allowing multi-part responses to be formally allowed by the protocol for extended operations.  The remaining issue of Client APIs would still need to be addressed since their current incarnation doesn't appear to handle multi-part responses to an extended request.


>>> "Salter, Thomas A" <Thomas.Salter@unisys.com> 09/14/99 01:49PM >>>
If I've followed this correctly, there are two issues:
1. People want to extend Ldap with operations that send multi-part responses
as search does.
2. Client APIs need to treat these kinds of responses specially.

Some possible solutions are:
1. Define a control that can be used with any response and simply says "this
is not the last message".
2. Same as 1, but the control can only be used with ExtendedResponse.
3. Define a new message type called ExtendedPartialResponse.  Revise RFC2251
to say that the server responds to an ExtendedRequest with zero or more
ExtendedPartialResponse messages followed by one ExtendedResponse.
4. Same as 3, but allow ExtendedPartialResponse messages to be returned by
any Ldap request.

Interestingly, RFC2251, 4.5.2 says that an ExtendedResponse can be sent in
response to a SearchRequest, yet it doesn't specify precisely how that
should work -- is it in addition to or instead of the SearchResult.