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The proposed ;valuesSince-xxx option

Regarding the proposal to retrieve only values modified since a certain time,
e.g.    "member;valuesSince-19980830112500Z"

It was my understanding that LDAP attribute options aren't assigned OIDs.  When the server sees the "valuesSince-", it knows how to parse the rest of the option.  Is it necessary that all suboptions be laid out ahead of time and static?

> -----Original Message-----
I'm fascinated by the ;valuesSince-xxx option. Are we moving towards
stored procedures? What are the OIDs for the attribute descriptions?


I for one will be sorry to see the passing of the 'static' directory.

> From:	Jim Sermersheim [SMTP:JIMSE@novell.com]
> Sent:	Saturday, August 28, 1999 11:01 AM
> To:	mcs@netscape.com
> Cc:	<; <
> Subject:	Re: The 'any' attribute type
> Ok, I'll quit teasing. There are three I think, (someone else here is
> defining them) They look something like this (these are only vague
> descriptions):
> This one is used to request that a value's CSN is returned, prepended
> to the value like T#S#R#s:attrvalue (see LDUP for meaning of TSRs)
> myAttr;valueCSN
> This one is used to ask that deleted values be returned.
> myAttr;deletedValues
> This one is used to ask that only values, update since xxx be
> returned.
> myAttr;valuesSince-xxx (where xxx is a GMT spec)
> I know... Why not just use controls? In the first case (valueCSN) it's
> handy for LDIF and in the other two cases, it's a solution that
> doesn't require changes/additions to the client.
> I didn't want to introduce the specific attr type options because I
> was afraid of falling down a rathole and not addressing the 'all'
> attrs thing.