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RE: Returning single values from multivalued attributes

Title: RE: Returning single values from multivalued attributes

One of the larger system integration challenges include evaluating every component and aspect of the system and selecting those elements that lead to efficient, effective and secure communications.

If the engineering branch does their job correctly, they will select protocols and applications that lend themselves to meeting those needs. 

The payoff for the Operations and Maintenance budget exercise includes ensuring that the (ever diminishing supply of) highly trained system administrators do not have to manage an excessive number of permutations. Configuration management is very expensive.

I have no 'vested' interest in how it ends up being done.  I do have a vested interest in deploying a workable, manageable system.  And I am further constrained (or blessed - ) that I can guarantee that I will not end up with a homogenous environment.

Sandi Miklos

-----Original Message-----
From: dboreham@netscape.com [mailto:dboreham@netscape.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 11:12 AM
To: ietf-ldapext@netscape.com
Subject: Re: Returning single values from multivalued attributes

> "Miklos, Sue A." wrote:
> Bruce, with enough time and money, we could solve any problem...
>  however, I am constrained by crypto service providers that may take
> up to 1+ second to go through each variant of a certificate recieved,
> in addition to any other non-security-related processing that has to
> occur.  This leads to unacceptably slow performance.  Any streamlining
> at any point in the process is a good thing.

First thought which comes into my mind is that it
has to be easier and cheaper for the human species
as a whole, to fix the broken clients rather than
extend the LDAP protocol for everyone.