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object class 'alias'

I have been review various RFCs and drafts related to
alias representation/behavior within LDAP directory
services.  I believe LDAPext should revisit the need for
a standard track document in this area.

I propose that a new alias specification be drafted based,
in part, on draft-byrne-ldap-alias but borrowing some
mechanisms from draft-ldapext-nameref-00.  In particular,
I propose preserving use of RFC2256 schema to represent
aliases and behavior as described in draft-byrne-ldap-alias-00,
but dropping the 'aliasObject' mechanism for allowing the
alias entry to contain RDN attributes in favor of using
'extensibleObject' mechanims (as borrowed from nameref).



In my review I noticed the an inconsistency.
RFC2252 implies the "alias" object class is ABSTRACT
while RFC2256 declares it as STRUCTURAL.

  RFC2252, 4.4, para 1:
    In general every entry will contain an abstract class ("top" or

  RFC2256, 7.2:
    ( NAME 'alias' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST aliasedObjectName )