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Re: LDAP C API: Data Types and Legacy Implementations

>> Another matter:  Is suggest this is added to ber_scanf:
>> 't'     Tag.  A pointer to a ber_tag_t should be supplied.  The value
>>         stored will be the tag of the next element, represented so
>>         it can be written by the 't' format to ber_printf.
>> (It would just do ber_peek_tag().)
>I am in favor of adding this... I know the Netscape/Mozilla
>implementation and some others already implement the 't' format
>specifier for ber_scanf().

FYI, OpenLDAP also supports ber_printf format:
	'O'	struct berval.  A pointer to a berval should be
		supplied and is output as an octet string.

I find it useful...