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Q: LDAP C API: LDAPAPIFeatureInfo.ldapaif_name

Section 8.2 page 11 says

          A NULL-terminated array of character strings that
lists the
          names of the API extensions supported by the LDAP
API imple-
 These names will typically match the textual iden-
          tifiers that appear in the "x" portion of the
          LDAP_API_FEATURE_x macros described above,
although the pre-
          cise value MUST be defined by documents that
specify C LDAP
          API extensions.
  If no API extensions are supported, this
          field will be set to NULL.  The caller is
responsible for
          disposing of the memory occupied by this array by
passing it
          to ldap_value_free() which is described later in
this docu-
          ment.  To retrieve more information about a
particular exten-
          sion, the ldap_get_option() call can be used with
an option

So if I have an extension for the controls identified with
the macros

#define LDAP_CONTROL_SORTREQUEST	"1.2.840.113556.1.4.473"

This reads to me that one of the strings returned in
is "CONTROL_SORTREQUEST". However it occurs to me that for
the string could be its OID such as
"1.2.840.113556.1.4.473". Would this
be appropriate? I'm guessing not.

J. R. Heisey