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Re: A changeLogEntry and LDIF question ..


Gordon Good wrote:

It's rather arbitrary, though. One can imagine a different definition of
the changelog entry object class with only two attributes: a
changenumber and a changes attribute which completely describes the
changes to be made, in LDIF format. The drawback of a minimalist
approach like that is that you cannot search the changelog based on
attributes of the change, e.g. the DN of the entry being modified.
That's why "targetdn" and "changetype" are attributes of the changelog
entry, even though they could be represented in the LDIF that describes
the changes.
'targetDn' and 'changeType' in changelog entry look OK.
I thought its little bit odd that changes for add and modify
operations are in 'changes' and changes for modrdn are
explicit attributes of 'changelogentry'.  Perhaps a nit..
